It sure sounds like their diagnosis are all over the map, or at least your upper torso.
Which means, they have NO clue... which, unless they see blood and broken bones sticking out, is the norm for US doctors. They do not know how to deal with actual pain and it's soooo frustrating.
If you tore your rotator cuff, you'd know it. They'd know it too.
If you tore a muscle under your shoulder blade, you'd know it too, and so would they.
Which leads me back again to your spine.
Somewhere, a nerve is being compressed. Rarely is a nerve compressed too far away from the spine. Docs tend to look at the location of the pain, rather than the origin of the nerve from whence the pain is originating. But the thing is, the pain in your hand CAN come from a pinched nerve in your back. All it takes is a millimeter of off-alignment to send things whacky.
I wish I could impress upon you more to visit a good chiropractor who employs the activator method, in addition to massage therapy AND steroids.
Yes, steroids. It sounds like the nerves are all inflamed. At this stage, an anti-inflam isn't enough on its own, and about 6 to 8 weeks on a low steroid would de-sensitize the nerve and bring you a lot of relief. I say this because of the hot and cold flashes you're having.
I really feel for you, I do. I've been battling the same types of problems since a series of accidents and injuries in recent years.
I am SO lucky I found a doc who put me onto steroids pronto after all the dicking around the US docs did with me, affording me no relief at all, and making my conditions worse. I was on the steroids for 3 months with a total reversal of the nerve problems in my hands, arms and legs and feet. The chiro is helping too, but I've been set back with problems with my MATTRESS! So now I have learned that I definitely need a new mattress and am off to get a nice, soft latex one, after a few hours of research.
Here's the thing with your new insurance.
Don't tell them you have had these problems. They may not actually go looking for disclosures, since they won't know where to look, necessarily.
Please, please, try a chiropractor. hugs.