That's how awful this picture is. It can't even come up with new diarrhea jokes.For those playing at home: about 85 minutes. That's how long it takes to hear the first and last "Git-R-Done." And it's not even smuggled in with the rest of the dialog, but announced loudly to the 4th wall at the very end, as if it was the reward for having to sit through this rotten, excruciating mess of a film.
In the first five minutes of the redneck comedian's film debut, we see Larry urinating on himself in the shower, flashing his butt crack, having a flatulence attack in front of his boss, and referencing the smell of "strawberry douche." At this point I turn to America and ask: why? Why Larry the Cable Guy? We had something sweeter and slightly funnier in the Jim Varney character Ernest years back, but that franchise was quickly ignored by audiences. This must be the cinematic gods making us all pay for our sins.