2005 Civic EX Coupe 5-spd vs. 1997 Maxima GXE Auto?
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Sun Mar-26-06 10:46 PM
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2005 Civic EX Coupe 5-spd vs. 1997 Maxima GXE Auto? |
Edited on Sun Mar-26-06 10:48 PM by wuushew
Both unmodded and in good running order.
127 horse and 2657 lbs vs. 190 horse and 3000 lbs.
Which would win a 1/4 mile contest or street racing in general? Please help my pride is on the line.
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Sun Mar-26-06 10:51 PM
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Sun Mar-26-06 10:52 PM
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2. Maxima, but it also depends on the driver |
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Sun Mar-26-06 10:55 PM
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4. female driver who probably doesn't want to beat the crap out of her clutch |
My Max gets no respect. Now that I replaced the knock sensor it is pulling even harder at 3000+ rpm.
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Sun Mar-26-06 10:53 PM
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Honestly, one of my favorites was when a ten year old Civic with a ugly spoiler and loud muffler would try to race my 2003 Saab. Guess what? Loud mufflers and spoilers do not make you go faster than 210 turbo HP.
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Sun Mar-26-06 10:58 PM
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5. maxima.. they're quick as hell |
I miss mine.. I got 15 years out of that baby and it responded up until I sold it.
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Thu Dec 26th 2024, 03:16 PM
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