This one is from Brainbench, which measures you on 60 different comments, and then gives you an analysis. Mine came out pretty accurate:
Your Social Boldness: Introverted VS Extraverted
You are moderately extraverted. In general, you enjoy being with people and people enjoy being with you. You are full of energy and have a positive outlook on life. At parties, people tend to gravitate towards you, but in the rare event that they don't, you are not afraid to start a conversation with others. You may not go out of your way to find an audience, but public speaking is not something you shy away from. You feel comfortable in taking a leadership role, and can be assertive in the right situations. Your warm nature endears people to you, but if someone does have a negative comment for you, then you can usually put it in the proper perspective and not let it bother you. You genuinely enjoy having fun. You seek excitement, and sometimes you are known to add a little thrill to your life.
Your Agreeableness: Candid VS Considerate
You are moderately considerate. You are an agreeable person. This means that you are well liked and people really enjoy your company. And why wouldn't they? People can sense that you are taking a genuine interest in them and this makes them feel special and as a result, they have high regards for you. With your altruistic personality, you get a lot of practice at making people feel special. In fact, you feel great joy when you help others. Another nice feature you possess is your ability to cooperate. Not everyone can do this, so it is very important in a meeting or social situation to have someone like you present in order to maintain a harmonious situation. This comes from your tendency to want equality and fairness. In dealing with others, you prefer not to manipulate people instead you tend to be open and sincere. This makes you a popular and well-respected individual.
Your Self-Control: Impulsive VS Cautious
You are very impulsive. You are an independent thinker. You do not need a book of rules to tell you how to behave - you know inside what is right and what is wrong and you act accordingly. You are able to live life spontaneously, because you are able to make decisions without endless deliberation. In fact, when you and another person are making a decision, you are able to reach a solution fairly quickly while the other person has to cautiously plan every step. Eventually, they will agree with you, which is frustrating when your first impulse is usually the correct one in the decision-making process. You tend to be a little more casual, and you do not feel out of sorts when your home or office is not perfectly neat. In general, your life is pleasurable - you know how to have fun and will never be accused of being staid or stuffy.
Your Anxiety Level: Excitable VS Relaxed
You are very excitable. You do not like stressful situations. You tend to react emotionally to stress, which can lead to bad moods, or even anxiety, anger, or depression. You like to be treated fairly, and may become upset if you sense that someone is trying to cheat you. You may find urges and cravings irresistible to the point that you are giving into them even if you know you will regret it or feel guilty later. Sometimes you may feel uncomfortable in social situations, even thinking that others are judging you. This self-consciousness may show through as shyness, because you do not want people to think poorly of you. You tend to worry and are apprehensive in unfamiliar circumstances.
Your Openness to Change: Practical VS Imaginative
You are slightly imaginative. It is apparent to those who meet you that you are well educated. You are able to speak on a complex level to one audience, but adjust to a more basic level for another. You are bright and capable of thinking logically. On one hand you are down-to-earth and traditional, while on the other hand you are creative and imaginative. Sometimes you feel more comfortable with familiarity and routine in your life, other times new and novel experiences are more enjoyable. You are not afraid to try new things. You tend to like to do a variety of different activities, so you do not grow bored.
The way you Think/Reason: Concrete VS Abstract
You are quite abstract in your thinking. You tend to be quick to grasp ideas, are a fast learner and intelligent. You possess a hallmark of intelligence that potentially separates human beings from earlier life forms, the ability to think about future consequences before acting on an impulse. Your reasoning activity involves contemplation of long-range goals, organizing and planning routes to these goals, and persisting toward one's goals in the face of short-lived impulses to the contrary. You also have keen interests in intellectual matters and love to play with ideas and think theoretically. You tend to be open-minded to new and unusual ideas, and like to debate intellectual issues. You often enjoy riddles, puzzles, and brainteasers.
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