LOL. The media really says the obvious...
Deja Q
(1000+ posts)
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Wed Mar-29-06 06:10 PM
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LOL. The media really says the obvious... |
| Loneliness isn’t just isolation. It may also be related to a person’s outlook.
Hawkley’s team lists ways that lonely people differ from those who aren’t lonely: # Lonely people tend to perceive stressful circumstances as threatening rather than challenging. # Lonely people tend to passively cope with stress by not asking for support and by withdrawing from the stress instead of actively coping and attempting to problem-solve.
Loneliness is a normal human emotion that many people experience at some point in their lives. The question is whether it starts to take over. For instance, participants rated how often they felt stressed in the past week. They also noted how strongly they agreed or disagreed with statements including: # “I lack companionship.” # “I feel in tune with the people around me.” # “There is someone I can turn to for advice about handling problems with my family.” # “If I wanted to have lunch with someone, I could easily find someone to join me.” :rofl:
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