When my kids got big enough to bike to the store, I kept a kitty on the counter so they could get money from there. We got home from church one day and the kitty was empty. We figured we'd been robbed and we pretty much knew who did it, so we got a dead bolt for the door. (Up until then, all we had was the original door locks which opened with the skeleton key that you could buy by the handful at the hardware store downtown so we pretty much didn't bother locking the door.) Now the "glass" in this door was a big sheet of Plexiglas. About a week later, the kids came home from school and found that the genius who'd robbed us the first time had come back and tried to break in by melting a hole in the Plexiglas so he could reach through and unlock the door. Clearly, he'd burned the back of his hand in doing so or had been otherwise disturbed and had taken off without entering. The best part is that there was a full length window right next to the door that he could have easily popped open if he'd had thought of it!