My husband had both his knees replaced on Monday. He had outstanding care at the hospital and was moved yesterday to a rehab unit in an area nursing home. I am probably the most unpopular client they have. The unit is very neat and orderly. His room is nicer that our room at home. My problem comes with keeping his surgical stocking on his legs. I left for an hour yesterday only to find that his stockings were off when I returned. I knew the doctor's orders and demanded that he be contacted for instructions. When I returned with my dinner, the stockings were back on. (The doctor told them that the stockings could only come off if he was dead.) I thought that would end the issue. I just went over for my third visit of the day to find him bare legged. I know that TEDS are a bear to get on, but doctor's orders are just that. I pitched another fit and the stockings went on with a lot of grumbling and side remarks like they 'never heard of anything like wearing stockings to bed, shouldn't he just get a break from them, we've never done it this was before.' If I have to move over there full time, those stockings are going to stay where they are supposed to stay.
My next battle is getting them to understand that he is there for rehab and is not to be babied. Surgery was Monday. On Wednesday, Thursday and half of Friday; he walked with his walker to the lunch room and ate with other rehab patients. Now they let him ride in a wheel chair or eat in his room. The PT has only been doing therapy in his room. He was used to two hour and a half sessions in the gym every day he was in the hospital. He had to walk to get there. I'm frustrated, angry and exhausted. Thanks for listening. cmd