Hi all,
Actually this is my first time starting a post here as well, i normally just like to throw my 2 cents in when i get a chance.
I bought a domain name a few years back when i was angered that * was using the same term on kerry that he originally was using on osama. runbutcanthide.com I wasted the opportunity to use it before the election, then was working on a political picture archive to use it for...... now i'm playing with capturing, editing, and distributing video. I have the whole system set up now and have been learning Premiere.
I have finally gotten my first test project up which is a few choice bits from *'s Q and A that he had this morning. It is rough and i apologize for the elementary editing.... (it's coming, it's coming) but i AM happy that i can put the vids out in flash format meaning a broader range of users should be able to view them. Again, this is just a first test project, but the clip highlights some ridiculous moments in his performance.
Here is the test video: