So this show is coming to the US after a round or two in the UK. They had a promo on the Today Show this morning and, maybe it was just me, I don't get it.
The premise of the show is to show parents of junk munching kids what their kids will look like at age 40. They do this with computer graphics. The kid they did on the Today Show basically looked like his father. And how about this guy...

So junk food leads to a lifelong unpluckable unibrow? That's it?! Oh and glasses (in a reversal of the cliche high school movie with a made-over hottie -- think Ally Sheedy in Breakfast Club). He goes from Beaver Cleaver to Mark David Chapman but after some tweezers and Lasik surgery everything is fine?
Type 2 diabetes, if it starts in the teenage years could lead to amputation, blindness, death, etc but all they seem to show is the kids growing up to look like their parents. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.