Do you eat the li'l bitty 'tato chip bits
Oeditpus Rex
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Mon Apr-10-06 06:39 PM
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Do you eat the li'l bitty 'tato chip bits |
hiding down in the corner of the bag?
Do you dig 'em out with your fingers and lick 'em off or upend the bag and pour 'em into your mouth?
Or do you just toss 'em out with the bag, you wasteful Philistine?
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Mon Apr-10-06 06:41 PM
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1. Hell yes! That's where a lot of the flavor resides! |
I did that just today with my bag of Zapp's Hotter 'n Hot Jalapeno chips at lunch. :9
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Mon Apr-10-06 07:11 PM
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Especially when they're the dark russet variety.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:02 PM
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