There is a really good blogger who is looking for a literary agent (or publisher or movie producer.)
I'm rather addicted to this guys blog, so I'd like to see if any DUers can help this guy out.
Six Degrees of {Literary Agent}Here's a new game. Let's play six degrees of literary agent (or publisher or movie producer). This game is similar to Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, but slightly different.
In this game, the point is to link me and my book (The Agency Delta) with a literary agent, a publisher or a movie producer. To play, simply think of every person you know. One of them may already be a literary agent, a publisher or a movie producer. If so, stop and go to the next step. If not, link through your friends until you find one.
Disclaimer: I don't know this guy. He's not a friend of mine. I'm just trying to be a good Samaritan.