"When the Children Cry" -White Lion
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Tue Apr-11-06 07:06 AM
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"When the Children Cry" -White Lion |
I just listened to this song for the first time in ages.. and the tears cannot help but falling.. It seems so apprapo for today's world we live in..
Little child Dry your crying eyes How can I explain The fear you feel inside Cause you were born Into this evil world Where man is killing man And no one knows just why What we have become Just look what we have done All that we destroyed You must build again
Chorus: When the children cry Let them know we tried Cause when the children sing Then the new world begins
Little child You must show the way To a better day For all the young Cause you were born For all the world to see That we all can live With love and peace No more Presidents And all the wars will end One united world Under God
Chorus: When the children cry Let them know we tried Cause when the children sing Then the new world begins
What we have become Just look what we have done All that we destroyed You must build again No more Presidents And all the wars will end One united world Under God
When the children cry Let them know we tried When the children fight Let them know it ain't right When the children pray Let them know the way Cause when the children sing Then the new world begins
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