,0,1900487.story?track=tottextFrom the Los Angeles Times
Caltech Goes Low Tech to Get Its Cannon Back
A copter raid? A taunt on scaffolding? Calling MIT police first? What were they thinking?
By Paul Pringle
Times Staff Writer
April 11, 2006
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Cannon retrieval may not be rocket science, but a group of intrepid, cross-country-trekking Caltech students has learned it isn't much easier.
On Monday, two dozen of the Pasadena-based scholars used more brawn than brains here to recover a 111-year-old cannon that Massachusetts Institute of Technology pranksters had swiped from Caltech last month.
Shortly after 7 a.m., in a chill coming off the Charles River, Caltech junior Scott Jordan exhorted his schoolmates to roll the 3-ton Fleming Cannon off a cobbled MIT courtyard, where it had rested trophy-like since Thursday.<snip>
The latest skirmish in the two schools' recent prank war also provided some practical life experience to the budding scientists and engineers.<snip>