Washington, D.C. -- After being criticized for the fact their spaceships were silver, the illegal aliens aliens painted their saucers patriotic colors. Red and white were painted on the tops and the domes of each craft, and blue went on the bottoms. Unfortunately the shade of blue was so similar to that of the sky, the saucers were completely invisible to individuals on the ground at the D.C. rally. It is certain that had the crowd known about this show of solidarity, the saucers would have been the main focus of the rally, and may have brought even more media attention.
The saucers did not go completely unnoticed from the air, however, as the President saw them on his way to the medicare media events in both Missouri and Iowa. He was sedated, as the crew of Air Force One thought he was loosing it again. They began to have such suspicions again after he and his other civilian staffers refused to remove the nuclear option from the "attack palette" being created in case Iran won't stop enriching uranium. The President said in confidence, "I am going to paint a mushroom over Iran." The President is obviously not aware that Iran is not a picture or a color on a map, but a nation of millions of people. It remains unclear of what remains of the President's sanity.