Dick Durbin, that is. I just got back from seeing him speak and it was HERKIN' AWESOME!!! For the most part, he talked about student loans (appropriate for a college campus) and immigration (because it happens to be the subject of most GD flamewars these days...well...not because of that...but for the same reasons...you get what I mean!). Best part: when he said the proudest vote of his life was voting against the Iraq War. STANDING OVATION, BITCHES!! :woohoo: Except for the four College Republicans sitting behind me, but they asked stupid questions and he tore them down. It was pretty sweet. When he talked about Paul Wellstone, you could just feel the poignancy in the room. It was touching. :cry: And I got to shake his hand at the end!! *does a little dance* I'm actually taller than him...that was kind of strange...me...taller than the second-ranking Democrat in the Senate...it's eerie. :silly:
Oh, and I took this picture. Dick Durbin getting worked up over student loans:
Sadly, my camera sucks and takes ten seconds to take a picture of anything, so I couldn't get a picture with him. :( Oh, well, it was still cool! :D