I think we need a governmental crackdown on the use of corn sugar, esp. high fructose corn syrup. It seems like it's in almost fucking everything, from soda to breads to sausages to fruit drinks...
And it's fucking awful bad for you stuff.
Though really what we need to do is make a big push to get people to stop buying processed foods and start buying natural ones (fruits, veggies, meats) that they actually have to get off their goddamn fat lazy asses and cook, for Christ's sake, and not just open a box and microwave for five minutes and voila, a salisbury steak dinner with gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, and a little desert in the corner that slides around and is so goddamn hot because you have to cook it four more minutes than you need to get the goddamn salisbury steak heated all the way through that it's like a nuclear fucking furnace when you bring it up to your mouth because of course with the desert right there in front of you you aren't gonna wait until you eat the whole meal first, no, you're gonna go straight for the fucking peach cobbler and burn your fucking lips, and the whole meal, because it was in a box, is 1500 calories, has three day's worth of salt, 16 weeks worth of high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, probably MSG, too, and God only knows what else, where if you cooked it yourself from scratch you would have save $1.50 and be getting all natural good foods at maybe 1000 calories, though maybe still 1500, but at least they won't be empty calories that rot your gut and your teeth and cause you medical problems.