I got up this morning feeling a little under the weather. Nothing major, just not kicking up my heels. End of the week, dragging a little.
Yeah, I had reason to feel cheery. My new serial project launched today. It's an old idea made new for the electronic age...a continuing saga of adventure, fantasy, and romance released in weekly installments.
I'm pretty thrilled about it, actually. My serial site can be accessed from my personal website (see my sig line for the link) if you're interested.
But this wasn't the reason I felt so jazzed today as I left for work. I woke up to a reader review of my first novel in my e-mail box that had me dancing on the ceiling.
"I have only gotten a little way in and I think it is fantastic. The dialogue is really good I have rarely read a book that as soon as you start reading you really start feeling for the characters some of them I want to succeed other I want to fail and be ground into dust. Really the whole thing is really written very well, the characters really come alive as soon as you start reading. I will tell you I will never wait again as soon as they come out I will snatch them up and start reading. I am already going to buy the start of the other series as well, it really is a wonderful world/dimension you have created. As I write this I am sitting at my computer glued to the screen reading the story waiting for my frozen pizza to get done so that I will be set for the rest of the day. That my friends is what I call living a great book and easy food!!!"