1: First election you voted in: Runoff between two girls for who got to be Snow White in our 8th grade production. I wanna say Michelle won in a landslide but it might've been Jennifer...
2: A food you like and eat regularly that others think is gross:
My cousin is grossed out by Sour Cream and Onion Lays potato chips and I eat those once in a while
3: Your home just went up in flames nothing left...no one was hurt...you're fully insured...whats the first thing that comes mind?
Fuck, you know I recently saw a guys yard on fire one night. I called 911 and you know what it turned out to be? Chemicals from an insecticide he used on his lawn had started on fire! Crazy shit, and no one was home either...
4: Invisibility or flight - choose now! No thinking choose! invisibility, sheesh stop being so pushy
5: Ok now that you've thought about it which super power do you choose Invisibility or Flight?
Still invisibility. I took a Chem class once and I would second guess myself and chang my answers on the tests quite a bit. I literally changed away from the correct answer every time I did that all semester. Lesson learned. Wait, I take it back. FLIGHT!