a lot of the time, kids listen better to employees than to whatever adult their with. Whoever should be in charge of them in usually pleased, although I have seen a few parents get pissed off when we would talk to their out-of-control kid. Once I almost had to kill the parent.
We had a large Japanese vase with bamboo fountain in front of the store with 8 large goldfish. We had those fish for years. Kids were always fascinated with them and the fish were friendly. They'd come up for food and nibble on your fingers and such. So a lot of the time, we'd give the kids a little bit of fish food and let them feed the fish. Kids generally loved the store because of this (well, that combined with the chef handing them tofutti cutie soy ice cream sandwiches). Occaisionally, kids would want to catch the fish though. There were a few kids (between 5-10) out front grabbing the fish and trying to pick them up. I open up the door and yelled, "You can't pick up the fish. You'll hurt them." The kids listened and the mother with them FREAKS out on me. "YOU CAN'T TELL MY KIDS WHAT THEY CAN AND CAN'T DO! THEY CAN'T HURT THE FISH! THEY JUST WANT TO PLAY WITH THE FISH!" I responded calmly back, "The fish are the property of the store. As manager, I can tell your kids not to harm the fish." She started yelling about "never coming back. Reporting me to the owner, etc" and she grabbed her kids and left. I don't think she ever complained to the owner (who would have sided with me) and she never came back.