Pierce Bush, as you all know is named after the Silver Douchebag since her name is Barbara Pierce Bush. This family's so intelligent they keep rehashing the same names:
Prescott Bush
George HW Bush
Geroge W Bush
"Jeb" Bush
George Prescott Bush
Barbara Bush
Pierce Bush
But we found good ol' Pierce in his normal location early in the morning:
Yes. Good ol' Pierce is passed out, drunk in a bathroom again, just like his dimwitted uncle:
The Chimp in Charge
Let's try to wake up old Pierce to get an interview!
Yep, he's awake. Now, Pierce. . .can I ask you a few questions?
Uhhh. . .sure. We're my vodka?
SB: So, Pierce, how are you doing this morning?
Oh, I'm hungover. I figure being a C- student who's drunk with a stupid smile will make it easier for me to become Presidentified.
SB: Bluebear. . .
No, I nailed some chick last night when she was passed out at the Frat house.
SB: What?
No, I've never had Bluebears.
SB: It's balls, you idiot, Blueballs!
Why would my balls turn blue? It's not cold in here!
(bleeped out cursing)
SB: Moving on, you halfwit. Bluebear of DU.com wants to know your opinions on trading with China.
I would never trade China. It could break.
SB: I mean the country, retard!
Oh, that China. . .I thought you meant. {giggle, snort, burp)/ Well, China is a chinese thing, and I support my uncle's chinese thing, even though he's married to a woman and not Condalezza Rice. So I wrote this article, well, it wasn't an article, it was a letter that a newspaper picked up. In my letter, I wrote that it wasn't right to flag burn and protest a war that my family is fighting.
SB: But you're not fighting it.
I support my uncle because blood is blood and water is water and alcohol is good in the morning.
SB: Uh huh. . .any other turds of wisdom from an asshole such as yourself?
What was the question?
SB: China?
My family has enough China, thank you.
SB: Dimwit, go back to sleep!
SB: Good, this is Sammyblue giving DU an exclusive look into the Bush family offspring. I can safely agree with Oliver Wendell Holmes. 4 generations if imbeciles is enough and two generations of imbeciles in the White House are too many! This is Sammyblue signing off before. . .oh no. . .
SB: Shit, it happened again!!! Thanks Bush Family!!!