I need a really good quote about being honest and kind to each other...
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Sun Dec-07-03 09:26 PM
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I need a really good quote about being honest and kind to each other... |
I've been elected to write something for my family Christmas thing this year. Cheesy I know, but It's been done every year, and the aunt I can't stand who lies all the time is going to be there and I want to really make her squirm. Help? Duckie
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Sun Dec-07-03 09:27 PM
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1. "Can't we just all get along?" Rodney King n/t |
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Sun Dec-07-03 09:28 PM
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"What you do to the least of my brethern you do to me."
The bible had some good phrases. :shrug:
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Sun Dec-07-03 09:29 PM
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and you'll get to bang hot chicks
Rawk! \m/
No? Well, I tried.
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Sun Dec-07-03 09:29 PM
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4. Go with the presidents... |
"I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man." --George Washington
"Honesty is the first chapter in the Book of wisdom. Let it be our endeavor to merit the character of a just nation." --Thomas Jefferson
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Sun Dec-07-03 09:30 PM
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5. That's a rather ironic post |
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Sun Dec-07-03 09:33 PM
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Sun Dec-07-03 09:34 PM
Response to Reply #7 |
9. Well on the one hand you have a problem with your aunt being honest |
etc and then you look for a covert way to communicate with her.
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Sun Dec-07-03 09:36 PM
Response to Reply #9 |
10. My mom won't let me come right out and ask her why she's such a lying... |
bitch. So I have to be sneaky about it. lol Duckie
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Sun Dec-07-03 11:00 PM
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Again it was just the irony..not a value judegement about you...somtimes life hands us sticky situations.
proud patriot
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Sun Dec-07-03 09:31 PM
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6. Anyway by Mother Teresa |
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Sun Dec-07-03 09:34 PM
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We must make the world honest before we can honsetly say to our children that honesty is the best policy.
(And that goes for the imposters in the White House as well as your aunt!)
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Sun Dec-07-03 09:52 PM
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13. Love GBS quotes! Thanks for that one. |
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Sun Dec-07-03 09:43 PM
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Those are qualities which are a must if we are to claim civility. But here's my favorite since I'm feeling well insightful... "grant me the strength to accept that which I can not change, the courage to change what I can and the wisdom to know the differenece."
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Sun Dec-07-03 09:50 PM
Response to Reply #11 |
12. Ok I think I need I good laugh, a joke, something.... |
to lighten my myself up! Just read my post, it's depressing! And I think I reversed part of it. No I did, I'm quite sure.
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Sun Dec-07-03 10:59 PM
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14. well here is a buddhist meditation |
This is part of the so called metta meditation. It begins with the use of the first person pronoun," I," then wih members of one's family or a collective. like "we." May we be filled with loving kindness May we be well May we be at peace and at ease and may we be happy.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:48 AM
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