from ESPN!!! Dick Cheney Dunk Tank Night
Promotion: The vice president mans a dunk tank outside the ballpark. Fans of all ages are allowed to wind up and let 'er fly -- and if they're inaccurate enough to hit nearby Harry Whittington, Cheney gets wet!
(Note: Hitting targets labeled LAST THROES, RECONSTITUTED NUCLEAR WEAPONS, GREETED AS LIBERATORS and IRAQ: GEOGRAPHIC BASE OF 9/11 TERRORISTS also will land Cheney in the water).
Why it will work: Dunk tanks prohibited by the Geneva Convention? So what? Cheney won't mind. Besides, the veep's approval ratings are slightly higher than Bruce Chen's ERA, which means congressional Republicans facing midterm elections will be first in line.
Likely to offend: Cheney's cardiologist; Hannity (or is it Colmes?); oil executives because it's one less day to hold secret meetings about American energy policy.
Probable complications: Cheney has Scooter Libby sit in for him; attending fans rounded up, and they disappear to quasi-legal overseas detention facilities.