I have not been able to read DU much lately, so this may have already been posted. However, it is good enough for a second run. :)
I'm the decider. I pick and I choose. I pick among whats. And choose among whos. And as I decide Each particular day The things I decide on All turn out that way. I decided on Freedom For all of Iraq. And now that we have it, I'm not looking back. I decided on tax cuts That just help the wealthy. And Medicare changes That aren't really healthy. And parklands and wetlands Who needs all that stuff? I decided that none Would be more than enough! I decided that schools All in all are the best The less that they teach And the more that they test. I decided those wages You need to get by Are much better spent On some CEO guy. I decided your Wade Which was versing your Roe Is terribly awful And just has to go. I decided that levees Are not really needed. Now when hurricanes come They can come unimpeded. That old Constitution? Well, I have decided As"just goddam paper" It should be derided. I've decided gay marriage Is icky and weird. Above all other things, It's the one to be feared. And Cheney and Rummy And Condi all know That I'm the Decider - They tell me it's so. I'm the Decider So watch what you say Or I may decide To have you whisked away. Or I'll tap your phones. Your e-mail I'll read. `cause I'm the Decider - Like Jesus decreed. Yes, I'm the Decider The finest alive And I'm nuking Iran. Now watch this drive!