DU is beautiful at 5 A.M.
Ellen Forradalom
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Sun Dec-07-03 10:51 PM
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DU is beautiful at 5 A.M. |
The flamewars have dwindled to glowing embers. Only a few people are up and about. Threads stay on the first page long enough for you to contemplate them. Ah, if you knew how peaceful DU is in the early morning.
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Sun Dec-07-03 10:56 PM
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On the West Coast is 8:00 a.m. on the East Coast, and there's already a small horde of cranky people who haven't yet had their coffee online.
Ellen Forradalom
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Sun Dec-07-03 11:01 PM
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I'm in the central time zone, so the East Coasters are still in bed or the shower.
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Sun Dec-07-03 11:14 PM
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3. We do have a quiet time around midnight to 2 on the west |
and even later, where the board stops moving so fast and one can peruse the threads and read some of the gems posted throughout the day. Unfortunately by that time of night, my brain is fried so sometimes it doesn't matter. I do like the wee hours though. Many in Europe are just signing on and one gets to have conversation with people in other corners of the world at that hour which is also a big plus.
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Sun Dec-07-03 11:15 PM
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My thread got parodied!! Hahaha! ::blushes a little::
Ellen Forradalom
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Sun Dec-07-03 11:21 PM
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5. Now you know you've arrived |
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:49 AM
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