The cats are fine with them. Only Midnight & Ginsberg are into hunting. Even without the clips on the cage, the cats can't figure out the screen. I use clips on it, just because I have them, but the other tanks just have the screen. My cats will watch them and bat at the glass, but that's it. If a gecko is out of the tank, it's generally on a person. The cats aren't going to attack a gecko off my shoulder.
The leopard geckos are a really good starter reptile. They're much hardier and calmer than the cheaper anoles ("chameleons") or house geckos. As babies, they're a little skittish but with handling they calm down really well. They also don't require an expensive set-up or anything. A single leopard gecko can be housed comfortably in a 10g fish tank. Don't use sand or wood chips on the bottom, because they're dangerous, if swallowed. I always used papers towels until recently, I switched to slate tiles. They only use one corner of the tank as a bathroom, so the rest stays clean. It's cheap and easy to switch out the paper towels about every other week. They're nocturnal so they don't need flurescent light. You can either put a heating pad under the tank or just use a metal dome heat lamp with a red heat bulb or a blacklight heat bulb. Way, way cheaper than having UV lamps set up and heat bulbs. Decorating the cage can be elaborate or cheap. My set-up is the cheap way. A storebought rock hiding cage, a few tupperware humidity hides (I use damp moss so they can bury the eggs, but you can use damp paper towels), paper towel tubes (which they LOVE), a water bowl, plastic vines (not needed, but I liked them), and obviously a couple action figures (not needed, but I liked them). They need the humidity hide to help them shed, even when not shedding, they'll hang out in it though. Other than that, give them some crickets every few days, and they're good to go.
I bought Stumpy & Killer as babies about three years ago and I've had Spot for about two years (he was an adult given to me by a reptile breeder friend). They all get along, provided they're all about the same size and you only have one male to a tank.