Esteemed wimmens of DU, I came across this link by was not some kinky weirdo plastic fetish thingy, but I thought it would be irresponsible for me not to bring it to your attention especially with petroleum prices nowadays. And since plastic bags are derived from petro, you could do your part in recycling plastic bags that would otherwise end up in landfills, blowing around the street, or lodged in a turtles stomachs (which I have seen).
So now that I have manipulated you into guilt mode, it's time to burn your bra and put on plastic.
How to Make a Plastic Bag BraIf you are the thrifty, crafty, type why not follow these simple instructions and create your own bra from a plastic bag? This bra can be used for men as part of a party costume for instance. You will need scissors, sticky tape and some stuffing. The plastic bag, ideally, will be similar in size to one found at any supermarket. Make sure it is reasonably flexible and comes fitted with handles. If you can find one featuring interesting colours or patterns, so much the better. You can even paint a plain one. Please note that standard white plastic bags can be a little 'see-through', so it will pay to check your appearance in a mirror before venturing outdoors. Make sure you keep the plastic bags out of the reach of small children.
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If you have followed the plan correctly, there should be a pocket in front of you, at roughly the correct level, which can be filled with two breast-like pieces of your stuffing - socks work as well as anything else. 'Nipples' can be fashioned from marbles, or blue-tac, in a traditional manner. Ensure that there is a decent sized gap between the 'breasts', or you will end up with no cleavage.
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