Would any of you ladies out there go out with Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz or Perle
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Mon Dec-08-03 03:16 PM
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Would any of you ladies out there go out with Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz or Perle |
......if it meant that Bush would somehow lost the election? You know, take one for the team?
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Mon Dec-08-03 03:19 PM
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1. It's a good thing I didn't eat lunch yet |
or the contents would be strewn across my keyboard. . .
However, if it would save the world-- I would take 3 Xanax, close my eyes and pretend I was doing Bruce Springsteen--ahhh!!
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Mon Dec-08-03 03:20 PM
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2. Only if I could be guaranteed |
that the pugs would lose control of both houses of Congress too. A person's gotta have standards, after all.
Ugh, Rummy...<shudder> <shudder>...it'd be like a form of necrophilia! <shudder> :puke:
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Mon Dec-08-03 03:20 PM
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3. If it would cause Bush to lose the election... |
I'd go out with the devil himself. About THOSE three,though...I don't know:)
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Mon Dec-08-03 03:34 PM
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but I want to have the flu, etc, etc. and I would probably have to drink LOTS.......well, anyway, you get the idea
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Mon Dec-08-03 03:35 PM
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Edited on Mon Dec-08-03 03:35 PM by Kamika
Yeah, I'd take one for the team.
I'd even pretend to enjoy it
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Mon Dec-08-03 03:38 PM
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7. be glad I didn't include Karl Rove in on it. I do have some compassion |
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Mon Dec-08-03 03:37 PM
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they all have microscopic penae.
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Mon Dec-08-03 03:39 PM
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8. Oh.... what a nightmare scenario! |
Well, I guess I would go out with them if it just meant having dinner with them and doling out empty flattery (But they would have to pay for dinner). Nothing more than that. Not even holding hands. UGH.
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