Dean Caught picking his nose, leaving up the toilet seat, and failing...
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Wed Dec-10-03 12:40 AM
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Dean Caught picking his nose, leaving up the toilet seat, and failing... |
to ask permission to leave the dinner table in 1965!
Hey, I love him for leaving up the toilet seat, it's the parental disobediance at the dinner table that has me worried.
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Wed Dec-10-03 12:40 AM
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1. you might wanna edit the content & topic of this thread |
otherwise it's gonna be locked.
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Wed Dec-10-03 12:45 AM
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I couldn't resist it, anyway. A sense of humor, however poor, is not wanted in GD. I understand.
Liberal Veteran
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Wed Dec-10-03 12:47 AM
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3. I heard he also had his elbows on the table... |
....was he fucking raised in a barn or what?
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Wed Dec-10-03 12:47 AM
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4. Geez. This was bad to start with... |
and only worth the time of day in GD.
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Wed Dec-10-03 01:17 AM
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5. Call me hypocrit, but I'm a nose-picker for Clark. |
If I ever used a toilet, I'd probably also leave the seat up. But it'd really be out of courtesy to the dog. More proof that I'm a Southern gentleman.
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Wed Dec-10-03 01:44 AM
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That guy's just to radical for this country.....
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Wed Dec-10-03 02:29 AM
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7. a real liberal would expect the government to pick his nose for him |
this proves that dean is NO liberal!
he leaves the toilet set up so his dog can drink, proving his compassion!
and leaving the table without permission shows he is his own man!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:56 AM
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