As some of you know, our Provincial Ferry service is on strike. They have many issues with management, which, as ususal, are being ignored by the press.
What isn't being ignored by the press, however, is the rate paid to a galley worker on the ferry: $20/hr. Of course, that's quite a bit of money for flipping burgers (and, yes, they are required to have Industrial First Aid training, and some other Transport Canada safety certification).
So, the issue isn't portrayed as a complex one, it's being portrayed as an issue of someone doing a McDonald's job, and getting Registered Nurse money for it.
Of course, you all know the story, and I'm sure a similar drama has unfolded wherefer you live.
For the record, the strikers are no longer acting lawfully, and have defied a government order to return to work. I'm undecided on how I feel about supporting them at the moment, as I have a personal interest in the results of the action, and because I'm having a hard time supporting what I see as an illegal an somewhat irrational job action. Basically, what I see is a union shooting itself in the foot--the public are turning on them, they don't have the resources or inclination to support striking workers, and they're defying the law.
Naturally, people are up in arms, and there's been lots of "this country is going to hell in a handbasket and we have the unionS to blame" kind of talk, and all Labour organizations being lumped in together as bodies who are past their usefullness in society, etc...
I'm overwhelmed, however, by the number of $6/hr wage slaves who are anti-union--are these kids nuts?!
I think alot of it is a result of the RW, anti-Labour propaganda broadcast by the corporate media, but I also think alot of it has to do with plain old envy. If I were flipping burgers for $6/hr at Burger King and heard that someone doing the same job as me was pissed about earning three times my wage, I guess I'd be a little choked, too. I'd probably tell them to go to hell... (please, friendly DUers, note that I'm just playing devil's advocate, here--I think the crime in our affluent society isn't making $20 to serve food for a major corporation, it's earning $6).
So, what do you think? You're a smart and diverse bunch--why are people so anti-Union??
Here's something I posted in reply to something someone said on another board I frequent (the poster was a young girl who said the usual "let them quit and find a real job" kinds of things, as well as how 90% of Union members are 'whiney'):
Well, first of all, a "real" education does not always equal a "real" job. Take Dragonfly's example as one of those, or mine (Masters in Communications, plus about 10 years experience in my field, and still trying to make ends meet). If it was that easy to find a 'real' job, why is there 11% unemployment on the Island? I suppose all those people simply choose to not to work. Sure, some choose that route (and they're the ones you always hear about), but most of those people are actively looking, or schooling toward a decent living.
Yeah, I suppose that if you were so inclined as to quit your $20/hr 'joe job' for something more satisfying/secure/stimulating/exciting but less lucrative, you sure could, but not many people would. Most people can't, what with financial obligations like children, mortgages, etc. Most people, for better or for worse, allow their expenses to climb to match their income. It's called wage slavery, and it's a very difficult position to escape.
"Getting a second job" is always an option (providing you can find one), but is that what life is all about--work? The pioneering Unionists litterally laid down their lives to guarantee us little luxuries like being able to earn enough to live on in eight hours a day, having a two day weekend, etc. They fought for a society in which you didn't have to work every waking hour to get by. The end of Unionism means the end of those little "perks" which cost so much to gain.
Secondly, I always find it amusung that most people define Union workers as whiney and overpaid until they're in one themselves. Perhaps a little envy colours how most people view Unionism?
You anti-Union people should do a little reading before you condemn the whole movement. Do a Google on Eugene Debs, the IWW (Wobblies) or the Triangle Factory Strike and see what things would be like without a third party defending your rights...