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Can You....Can You....Can You Handle 15 Random Questions?

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THUNDER HANDS Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 09:53 AM
Original message
Can You....Can You....Can You Handle 15 Random Questions?
I hope you can... :D

1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?
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grannylib Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 09:59 AM
Response to Original message
1. Granny's list of answers:
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber? What an icky question...injection I guess...

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro? Velcro

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50? I can't afford to spend that much on a meal!

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about? Nothing that I am ashamed of!

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon? Neither

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes? Store brand butter flavored

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?
a HAPPY child, regardless...
8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?
off white berber with brown/tan flecks
9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep? A really little one, and it has to stay outside in the barn!

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?
Oh that's hard...Taylor I guess
11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."
12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?
Neither...Disney sucks
13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?
Smellsrude (a play on my maiden name)
14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?
I like them both
15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role? Bert
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Robb Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:00 AM
Response to Original message
2. Good morning!
1. The chair, because it's better for the spectators, and I'm a showman at heart.\

2. Velco. That's a concept, not just accidental chemistry.

3. Really excellent? I'd leave $20 even.

4. VH1.

5. I have no answer.

6. Brummel and Brown spread stuff.

7. Super-smart and anti-social. Could invent the next big superweapon.

8. Dog hair colored.

9. One of those little ones that eat stupid people.

10. James Taylor.

11. Depends on the kid, I'm afraid. 40, for some.

12. Disneyworld. Epcot is cool-lookin'.

13. Dingbat.

14. Will Pitt. 'Cause he's on DU and would kick my butt if I said otherwise.

15. Ernie, taking advantage of Bert's dull brain all the time.
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YellowRubberDuckie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:02 AM
Response to Original message
3. My answers

1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber? Lethal Injection

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro? Velcro

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50? We usually over tip...$15

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about? CMT

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon? LL Cool J

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes? Griffin's (I think it's an Oklahoma thing)

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social? Average intelligence, very social.

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room? Don't have carpet or a living room.

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep? I always thought those giant ones they used to call BRontosauruses were cute

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens? James Taylor

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old." 18? I think it's a personal choice. Kids are going to do it, so educate them and make sure they know how to do it safe.

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld? Disney World

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school? Miss Piggy

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman? No idea

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role? Bert. He always seemed cranky and in charge.

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Terran Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:04 AM
Response to Original message
4. random answers!
Edited on Thu Dec-11-03 10:04 AM by dirk
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?

injection...just fall asleep...

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?

velcro guy...I mean, that's got to be a lot more complicated than simple adhesive, right?

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?

At dinner, maybe $12? 20% plus a couple of extra bucks. At lunch it would maybe $9.

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?

None really. I watch a lot of HGTV, should I care if people know about that?

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?

LL, hands down (slurp!)

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?

Any real maple syrup, only

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?

The latter.

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?


9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?

Hmm, complicated. If I had about about 1000 square miles to keep them in, a herd of Diplodocus (spelling). Biggest dino ever, from what I understand.

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?

Sweet baby James

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."

Can't; it depends on the child..

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?

I know the former well, and the latter not at all. So I'll say Disneyland.

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?

"Dirky" (they thought that was insulting I guess, it's become affectionate since then).

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?

I don't know Krugman's stuff well enough to say, but I think Pitt rocks!

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?

Bert was the taller one, right? I think Ernie would definitely be the top.
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BelleCarolinaPeridot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:04 AM
Response to Original message
5. Yay another one :)
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?
- I don't even want to think about that one .

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?
- velcro

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?
- depends on how drunk I am at the moment ...

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?
- if I told you , it would not be a secret anymore

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?
- Gina Gershon

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?
- Misses Butterworth ( I think thats the one . )

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?
- super smart but anti-social

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?
- brownish something

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?
- a flying one too keep the bill collectors away

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?
- James Taylor

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."
- 100 - come on , you can't stop someone from it

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?
- Disneyworld

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?
- Captain Bucky O'Hare ( I swear I cried miserably ... )

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?
- which ever one bribes me to say so :)

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?
- which ever one of them it is with the bushy eyebrows . he seems a bit dominant don't ya think .
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corarose Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:16 PM
Response to Reply #5
57. Love your message
Out of curiosity are you drunk now?

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La_Serpiente Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:04 AM
Response to Original message
6. hmmmmmm
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?


2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?

Post-It Notes.

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?

16 % of the bill

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?


5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?


6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?

Aunt Jemmina

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?

average intelligence but is very social.

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?


9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?


10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?

James Taylor

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."


12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?


13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?

Big Bear

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?

Will Pitt

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?

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Red State Rebel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:15 AM
Response to Original message
7. My words of wisdom....
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber? Lethal Injection

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro? Velcro

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50? $15

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about? QVC

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon? ?????

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes? Whatever is on sale.

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social? Average and social.

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room? Wood Floors

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep? A clean one

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens? James Taylor

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least __30______ years old."

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld? Disneyworld

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school? Stuck up

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman? tough one....

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role? not a clue
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VelmaD Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:20 AM
Response to Original message
8. I can handle whatever you got baybee
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?
None of the above. :-) Seriously though. No gas chamber - too stinky. I'm not sure whether the chair or injection would hurt less but I vote for whichever one is gonna cuase me the least pain.

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?
I don't know the story behind post-it notes but I do know how velcro got "invented" and I think that guy was pretty sharp. He saw something in nature that is a nuisance and made it into something useful.

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?
$10 - maybe $12

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?
I don't have cable.

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?
LL Cool J...yumm

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?
TJ Blackburn cane syrup - it's way better than maple syrup. Much thicker.

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?
Super smart and anti-social - I was like that as a kid so I'd know how to deal with them.

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?
Beige. Every apartment in the world has beige carpet. I hate beige. x(

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?
Triceratops just because I think they look neat.

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?
James Taylor. I just adore him. My best friend takes me to see him in concert every couple of years.

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."
I can't really answer this - it varies depending on the kid. I do think kids shouldn't have sex with someone a lot older than them and that anything below high school age is definitely TOO young.

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?
Never been to either one so I can't say.

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?
Barbarian (my real first name is Barbara)

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?
I suppose I have to say Will. Wouldn't want to hurt his feelings. :-)

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?
Don't be so narrow minded. Who says there has to be a dominant partner. Sheesh.

That said - I think Ernie is a bossy-bottom. ;-)
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meegbear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:24 AM
Response to Original message
9. Results ...
1. lethal injection - and fade away

2. Post-It notes

3. $20

4. Food Network

5. LL Cool J

6. Maple syrup

7. Child who is of average intelligence but is very social

8. Gray/Beige - I rent

9. Tyrannasorus Rex

10. James Taylor

11. "Children should not have sex until they are at least 16 years old."

12. Disneyworld

13. Fatty

14. Will Pitt

15. Bert is a top
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On the Road Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:24 AM
Response to Original message
10. And the First Answer Is...
Edited on Thu Dec-11-03 10:30 AM by ribofunk
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?

The chair -- might as well go out in a blast.

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?

Velcro, because Post-It was an accident.

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?


4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?

The Hispanic channels -- because I don't speak Spanish, I just like to look at the Mexican babes.

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?

How could I pick LL Cool J?

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?

Genuine maple -- whatever brand is available.

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?

I have a child who's well-adjusted but not as smart as me or her mother. I think she'll have a better life, but I wish sometimes she were more of a bookworm.

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?


9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?

Geez, hard to find something snuggly from the Triassic period. Maybe a Diplodocus would be nice if I lived near a swamp.

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?

Cat, although JT is a better songwriter.

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."


12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?

Never been to Disneyland. I assume Disney World represents an improvement.

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?

I saw a piece of graffitti referring to me as a "veemee". I never figured that one out -- please send me a personal message if you do.

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?

Not a fair question -- they're different writers from different backgrounds at different stages of their career. Will is more inspirational; PK is more scholarly.

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?

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trof Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:25 AM
Response to Original message
11. Nope, that's 5 over the maximum.
Go read your contract.
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skippysmom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:26 AM
Response to Original message
12. Tough questions!
1. Gas chamber. I hate needles and electric shock sounds awful.

2. Velcro. Lots in those little things that hook together.

3. 20%=$10.00

4. TLC, including the Baby Story, the Wedding Story, etc.

5. Gina

6. Whatever was on sale

7. Super smart. Socialization can be learned.

8. Burgundy and cream braid rug over hardwood floors.

9. ???

10. Sweet Baby James.

11. "Children should not have sex until they are at least 18 years old."

12. Neither. I hate Disney.

13. They just called me by my last name, which contained a pejorative. When I got married, I jettisoned that name as soon as I could!

14. Krugman is a God, but Will Pitt is pretty damn good.

15. A tough one. Ernie is bossier, but Bert is taller....
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VermontDem2004 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:26 AM
Response to Original message
13. Answers
1.Lethal Injection
2.Velcro, post-it notes are just little pieces of paper.
3. tip 100 percent.
4. Uhhh, Fox News
5. No Answer
6. Syrup is Syrup, it all tastes the same too me.
7. Doesn't matter
8. Green
9. T-Rex
10. Don't know either one.
11. ?
12. Disneyland
13. None, otherwise I would kick their ass.
14. I can't judge, I am a terrible writer so I can't really tell who is the better writer.
15. I'd have to watch Sesame Street again to comment

Now I have a question for you, who will win the East? I say the Pace Show will :D
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PDittie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:31 AM
Response to Original message
14. Anna one, anna two...
1. Gas chamber, on the hope that it would be the least painful

2. The guy who invented velcro. Post-It notes really were a mistake; I read the 3-M story about them. A product for which was created a use. Come to think of it, maybe the 3-M people who figured out how to sell it to a gullible public were...nah.

3. I'd leave ten or fifteen or twenty, depending on what was in my wallet. BTW, always leave cash as tip instead of adding to your credit card -- it helps the waiter/ess with their taxes ;)

4. E! What glorious trash.

5. Gina Gershon. What's happened to her lately?

6. Whatever's on the table (I don't eat pancakes at home; neither of us wants to go to the trouble of cooking and then cleaning. So when I eat them, it's in a restaurant).

7. A child who is of average intelligence but is very social.

8. An off-white, mauve, cream, something-or-other.

9. Velociraptor. In a strong cage.

10. James Taylor.

11. 16.

12. Disneyworld -- have't been to Anaheim.

13. Doral -- "Taste me! Taste me!"

14. Paul Krugman, but I only have Will's book, so far.

15. Ernie, I suppose.
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VermontDem2004 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:33 AM
Response to Reply #14
15. I noticed alot answered 16?
Edited on Thu Dec-11-03 10:34 AM by VermontDem2004
Why 16? Why not 15 or 17?
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Breezy du Nord Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 09:57 PM
Response to Reply #15
56. That's when we get our license?
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OldSoldier Donating Member (982 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-12-03 10:14 AM
Response to Reply #15
60. It was in South Park's "Proper Condom Usage" episode
Chef said it was sixteen. And Chef is always right.
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PVnRT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:35 AM
Response to Original message
16. 15 Random Answers
1. George McGovern

2. George Gershwin

3. George W. Bush

4. George of the Jungle

5. Curious George

6. George H.W. Bush

7. George Halas

8. George Clooney

9. George Gipp

10. George Foreman

11. Boy George

12. George Burns

13. George Lucas

14. George C. Scott

15. George Brett
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VermontDem2004 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:36 AM
Response to Reply #16
17. rotflmao
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philosophie_en_rose Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:41 AM
Response to Original message
18. Answers
1. Injection - Less Painful.

2. Velcro.

3. $10-15.

4. TBN (It's fascinating - a wreck of clown cars and church vans).

5. Gina Gershon.

6. Whatever real maply syrup is on sale.

7. Supersmart

8. No Carpet. Just a red rug on hardwood floors.

9. Pterodactyl.

10. Cat Stevens.

11. "Children should not have sex until they are at least 18 years old."

12. Disneyworld.

13. Stuck up.

14. No judgment.

15. Ernie.
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T Wolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:42 AM
Response to Original message
19. here goes
1. Executed?
Give me the needle. Less suffering.

2. Post-It or velcro?
Velcro. Not an accident.

3. Tip?
20% is my standard, so maybe $15 for "excellent."

4. Secret cable channel?
I have to admit that I occasionally visit the dark side of Faux, but only in very limited amounts. Most of the time, I cannot stand those bastards.

5. Sexier mouth?
Gina, but that's just me.

6. Syrup?
Since Atkins, no pancakes or syrup. Bummer.

7. Child?
Super-smart. We need all the brains we can get. Social skills you can teach.

8. Carpeting?
Wood floors with a white area rug. The cats love it.

9. Dinosaur?
Triceratops. Always liked them best. So does my daughter, Sarah.

10. Singing voice?
JT. Though I may be prejudiced by his songwriting.

11. Children ... sex?
At least 16, but preferably later.

12. Disney?
Only been to Florida, so can't really say. Big theme parks are not my favorite.

13. Insulting name?
Can't remember. Must have blocked it out.

14. Will or Paul?
Love them both. Depends on who is madder at the time.

15. Bert & Ernie?
Bert - height dominates.
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ET Awful Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:43 AM
Response to Original message
20. Okay . . .
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?

Dead is dead, injection I guess.

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?

Both were accidents really (for those that don't know, velcro was accidentally discovered when felt and corduroy came in contact with each other at NASA felt-corduroy ended up as velcro).

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?

$10-$15 (depends on my mood)

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?

Fox :)

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?

LOL . . . ummmm. . . Gina?

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?

Anything from Vermont that isn't labeled as diet, lite, sugar free, etc.

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?

super smart and antisocial, that way the child would be just like his dad :)

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?


9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?

I'd have to go with some kind of herbivore . . . what were the ones that were herd animals in the first Jurassic Park movie? (not pack animals like the velociraptors, herd animals that were being chased by the t-rex).

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?

Tough call. I'd have to go with Cat Stevens, but Taylor is a MUCH better guitarist.

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."

Depends on the child.

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?

Disneyland, never been to Disneyworld, so can't in good faith vote for it.

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?

What DIDN'T they call me would be an easier question :).

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?

Couldn't say.

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?

Bert obviously. Ernie is too submissive.
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Bucky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:48 AM
Response to Original message
21. Bucky at da bat
1. executed by the state
I would prefer to be hanged in the public square. It's much more dramatic and no other method is more humane. If forced to choose, I'll go with injection. I'm familiar with that experience.

2. Post-It notes guy or velcro guy
Magic Rat is more clever than both, but less more clever than velcro guy.

3. tip for excellent service
$5 for the table and $2 for each person at the table. The 15% thing is a racket.

4. cable channel?
Lifetime. I'm secretly in love with Mare Winningham.

5. LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?
I'm a straight guy. Unfair question.

6. brand of syrup
Varies, but it's always real, pure maple syrup and never anything with high fructose corn syrup.

7. super-smart, anti-social or average intelligence but very social
I already have the former. I pick the devil I know.

8. carpeting

9. dinosaur pet
velociraptor, but chained up in the back yard

10. James Taylor or Cat Stevens
the muslim

11. "Children should not have sex until they are at least old enough not to be called "children" any more.

12. Disneyland or Disneyworld
I don't know the difference.

13. insulting name

14. Will Pitt or Paul Krugman
Which William Pitt are we talking about?

15. Bert & Ernie
Elmo in a perverted three-way
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thom1102 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:49 AM
Response to Original message
22. Here I go...
1. Lethal Injection
2. Velcro Guy-have you ever taken a close look at that shit?
3. $10- 20% for good service.
4. Animal Planet
5. LL Cool J- That man is just HOT!
6. I don't use syrup, but we keep Stop and Shop brand for the guests
7. Average intelligence but social
8. Hardwood floors.
9. pterydactyl
10. JT
11. 15 years old
12. Disney World
13. Fag/fairy
14. Pitt
15. Ernie!!
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Exultant Democracy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:51 AM
Response to Original message
23. I'm game
1. Lethal injection, but I would rather have a firing squad if I had a real choice.
2. Velcro
3. Excellent service? I always say that if you can't leave a nice tip don't go out. If it was good enough I would match the bill (I've done it before.)
4. The Cartoon Channel
5. Gina Gershon hands down.
6. Light colored real stuff, I buy as much as I can early in the season, but I have no brand.
7. The very social one.
8. Hard wood floors.
9. Barney
10. JT all the way.
11. People should have sex whenever they want to.
12. Disneyland
13. Nigger, I lived in Idaho for 6 months, but other then that I was never called anything.
14. Will Pitt
15. Ernie, duh.
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LynneSin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:53 AM
Response to Original message
24. My answers:

  1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?: I suppose lethal injection. Don't they knock you out first before they kill you?

  2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?: I use post-its more than velcro, so I would have to say the Post-it guy

  3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?: About $10

  4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?: I watch MTv. I grew up on Real World & Road Rules and I still watch those shows

  5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?: None of the above?

  6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?: I don't eat pancakes or anything else that requires syrup (it's a carb thing). But I did see that Log Cabin put out a syrup that Diabetics could use, which means I could probably use it too

  7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?: Since I'm the super-smart and somewhat anti-social, I'll do the same for my kid - which I'm not having any anyways

  8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?: Standard issue dull blue carpert. I live in an apartment and it's the same color throughout.

  9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?: I'd like one of those little cute ones that eat plants. It would be foolish to keep something that eats human. You'd think those folks at Jurassic Park would have thought of that before cloning Velicorapters and T. Rexs

  10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?: I love James Taylor - he's great music to have great sex with!

  11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old." Old enough to understand the concepts of safe sex, the stupidity of having children while you're still in school and all that other important stuff.

  12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?: None of the above. I'm HersheyPark happy!!!

  13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?: Casper or Ghost. I never bothered to go tanning in the summer and therefore I was a pretty pale kid. I have the last laugh though. They all look really old and I still get carded to buy booze

  14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?: I'd have to say Will. I bought Paul's book but grew weary of reading it after awhile (although what he wrote was good)

  15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?: Ernie is too goofy to be the alpha male. So it would have to be Bert
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ironflange Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 11:33 AM
Response to Original message
25. Nothing better to do, here are mine
1. Injection, but I'd really prefer the method used in The Meaning of Life

2. Velcro

3. $10

4. none

5. Gina

6. Pure maple syrup. It's required of all Canadians

7. I already have the first type, and I'm going to keep her

8. Grey berber

9. One of those chicken-sized ones

10. JT

11. 32

12. Only ever been to 'Land, so that's my vote

13. They let their fists do the talking

14. Will

15. Ernie

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Anaxamander Donating Member (550 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 11:51 AM
Response to Original message
26. Okay...
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?

All three.

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?

Velcro. Loops & hooks--can't beat that.

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?


4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?

I don't know... Cinemax?

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?

Angelina Jolie

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?


7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?

Super-smart, fuck everyone else.

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?

Hardwood floor-colored.

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?


10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?

James Taylor.

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."


12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?


13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?


14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?

Tobias Wolff.

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?

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rbnyc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 12:28 PM
Response to Original message
27. I love to answer questions!
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?

Wow, this is horrible. probably lethal injection, but I hope I'd find a way to get out of it.

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?

I don't know either of them, but I would suppose velcro.

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?

If it were truly excellent, 15 bucks, otherwise 10.

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?

I don't have cable.

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?

I really don't know what either of them look like.

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?

I don't know, but it's some fancy-pants syrup my friend brought me from Vermont.

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?

The former. That's how I was and I turned out ok. Although I become less smart and more social as I get older.

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?

Blue. Yuck.

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?


10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?

James Taylor, but I like Cat Stevens better.

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least 14 years old."

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?

I've never been to Disneyland.

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?

Ree-Nee Boof-hard

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?


15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?

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mac56 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 12:44 PM
Response to Original message
28. 1. Ewww! Injection, I guess.
2. Smarter? Velcro. Richer? Post-It notes.
3. $10.
4. HGTV.
5. Gina.
6. Log Cabin.
7. Average IQ, good social skills. Social intelligence is intelligence too!
8. Officially? Beige. Actually? Light brown.
9. Wouldn't want to. It would scare the dogs.
10. Sweet Baby James.
11. Intercourse? 18. Masturbation? Whenever.
12. Only been to Disney World.
13. "Smiley". You had to be there. The context was cruel.
14. Slight nod to Paul.
15. Ernie's the pitcher, Bert the catcher.
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youngred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 12:49 PM
Response to Original message
29. answers
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?
The Chair

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?
Post-its, Velcro is so 1980s :P

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?
none really-don't watch much cable

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?
Gina Gershon hands down

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?
No brand, real syrup

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?
average intelligence but very socail

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?
Hardwood floor

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?
where would I keep it? my linen closet?

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?
James Taylor

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?
too many to list

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?
Paul Krugman (sorry Will)

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?
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populistmom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 01:13 PM
Response to Original message
30. My answers
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?
lethal injection

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?
no particular channel I'm ashmamed of

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?
Gina Gershon (and I'm a strait woman)

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?
Whatever is the cheapest sugar-free kind I can find.

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?
Average, but social (I think life would be easier for them). However, I already have children who are above average (can't say geniuses, but all above average, quick brains) and very social. They are all natural born leaders, but can sometimes get pretty competitive with each other even though they're all still quite young.

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?
I have hardwood floors and a light beige area rug.

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?
Something small that's an herbivore I think.

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?
James Taylor. His music still makes me swoon.

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."
At least 16 or 17, old enough to be responsible about it no matter what the age.

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?
I'd have to say Disneyworld since I've never been to Disneyland.

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?
Sarah Bean in grade school; in high school certain sleazeballs took it upon themselves to call me "tits"

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?
Will Pitt of course :)

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?
Ernie, definately Ernie
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blueraven95 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 01:50 PM
Response to Original message
31. answers
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?
lethal injection

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?
velcro, because it makes costume changes so much easier, and we already had tape

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?
I usually leave around $10.00

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?
that would be telling (actually, I don't have cable)

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?
LL Cool J

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?
hmmm, never had a favorite brand...only real maple syrup Grade B

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?
I don't know how to handle an anti-social child, but one who is smart and not part of the popular crowd is fine. (I like outcasts, I feel comfortable there)

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?
It is an oriental rug with almost every colour possible, and a crazy design. My grandmother brought it from China in the 50's. It hides almost any dirt that would get on it.

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?
stegasaurus (or something small and vegetarian)...actually I want a duck billed platypus, but that is niether a dinosaur or extinct

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?
Cat Stevens, no question
11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."
I don't care, as long as they are safe and responsible about it, unless its my sister, and then she should wait until she is at least 18 (or in college)
12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?
Never been to Disneyworld, but I liked Disneyland when I was six

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?
do I really have to answer this brings up bad memories.
probably the one that was considered the most insulting was the one that bothered me the least...people assumed I was a lesbian, since I hung out with mostly girls (but I went to an all girls school, so go figure) and I did crew work for community theatres.

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?
I like them both equally...not going to choose sides

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?
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GOPisEvil Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 01:58 PM
Response to Original message
32. Oh, ok...what the hell.
Edited on Thu Dec-11-03 01:58 PM by GOPisEvil
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber? I prefer to be drawn and quartered.

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro? Velcro; Post-its are more clever than smart.

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50? $10-12

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about? I'm not embarrassed by any channel I watch.

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon? Gina. Yow!

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes? Real Maple Syrup; from real maples.

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social? Uh, um, neither. Happy and well-adjusted.

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room? Boring apartment beige.

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep? Pterodactyl

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens? Shoot me now.

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old." Age doesn't matter. Maturity does. It's different for each person.

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld? Only been to Disneyland, but I vote WallyWorld. Marty Moose rocks.

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school? Brush. A take-off of my last name. :eyes:

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman? Pitt, for the "wagga wagga" threads alone.

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role? IF?! Bert.
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northzax Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 02:01 PM
Response to Original message
33. bring it on, baby...
1. Firing squad, complete with last smoke.

2. Post it notes. Velcro will be forever condemmed by association with Roos...

3. ten bucks.

4. I don't have cable, so none.

5. LL Cool J

6. I don't like pancakes. But I use real vermont syrup on my waffles.

7. average intelligence but is very social?

8. hardwood floors in the studio, so I guess that, but I do have a nice tibetan rug, does that count?

9. Triceratops. I just think they're damn cool, I see htem just doing their own thing and not giving a damn about anyone else.

10. Cat Stevens

11. Children should never have sex, only adults should. So I guess 18, but then they aren't really children, are they?

12. never actually been to either one (well the Tokyo Disneyland, yes, but neither of the US ones.

13. nothing really, I was kinda invisible.

14. Paul Krugman

15. Bert, definatly.
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ronnykmarshall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 02:02 PM
Response to Original message
34. Good questions ....
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?


2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?


3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?


4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?


5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?

LL Cool J

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?

Whatever's in the house.

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?

Average intelligence and very social

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?


9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?

Them flying type like Rodan.

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?

James Taylor

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."


12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?

Can't say ... only been to Disneyland

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?

Queer, faggot, girl, reject ..... the typical lovely things that homophobic brats call you. Thanks for the reminder and the wonderful trip down memory lane.

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?

Paul Pitt

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?

Ernie. Bert is a bitchy bottom.
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sexybomber Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 02:04 PM
Response to Original message
35. uhhh...
1. I would prefer an execution like this: 5 would-be executioners and I all go into the forest. If I get shot, the executioner immediately has to put a bullet between my eyes, to minimize suffering. If I can kill all five executioners (I'll have guns too), I get to go free. That way I'll go down shooting, taking as many of my enemies with me as I possibly can, which is the way I wanted to go anway.

2. Post-Its, even though I don't use them.

3. $8 or $9.

4. I don't watch much TV at all.

5. Gina Gershon. OMG, so hot.

6. Whatever's handy. Fake maple syrup from Price Chopper is the best stuff though.

7. A kid who is smart (not super-smart) and social (not extremely social). In other words, one who is like me.

8. Well if you count my dorm room as a living room, it's kind of a blueish-purple-gray.

9. Uhhhh... one of the small ones.

10. Cat Stevens.

11. 17

12. Disney-World. Never been to Disney-Land.

13. I honestly can't think of one! (Hooray for me, then)

14. They're both awesome, in different ways.

15. Bert, because he's the more responsible one. That's not to say that women or effeminate gay men aren't responsible, though. That's just my opinion.

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AlienGirl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 02:38 PM
Response to Original message
36. Random answers!!
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?

I'd prefer to move my trial to a state with no death penalty!

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?

Velcro guy, because without Velcro we wouldn't have the expression "clinging like a Velcro monkey." Ever notice how no one ever says "clinging like a Post-It monkey"?

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?


4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?

It's a seeeeeeekrit!

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?


6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?

The brand that comes from a maple tree, with no added ingredients.

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?

For his or her sake, the latter. Super-smart asocial kids are often at a huge disadvantage.

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?

Hardwood. Wood color.

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?

A dimetrodon! They're so cool. Or--could I ride it? If I could ride it, I'd want a pterodon.

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?


11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."

I can't; it varies from child to child.

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?

Neither--the Nickelodeon park has them all beat!

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?

I can't tell you. I don't want to give anyone ammunition against me!

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?

Aw, come on...

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?

Bert's the top.

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dobak Donating Member (808 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 02:43 PM
Response to Original message
37. ok
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber? Lethal Injection

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro? Velcro Man

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50? $10

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about? no cable in my house

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon? Gina Gershon

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes? Anything, as slong as it is maple

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social? average, social

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room? wood

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep? T-Rex

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens? James Taylor

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old." 18

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld? DisneyWorld

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school? bacon (many people mistake my last name for sounding like bacon

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman? Krugman

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role? Bert
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RebelOne Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 03:10 PM
Response to Original message
38. OK, I'll play.
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?
lethal injection

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?
Don't have cable. Satellite.

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?
Who are they?

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?
Maple no particular brand

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?
Super smart

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?
A small one

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?
James Taylor

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."
30 years old

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?
Disneyland. Have not been to Disneyworld.

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?
Yack, yack. Cause I talked up a storm.

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?
How are they?
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brainshrub Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 03:27 PM
Response to Original message
39. I'll bite
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber? gas

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro? Velco

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50? $9.00

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about? TBN

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon? D/K

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes? Generic

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social? Average, very social

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room? hard wood floor

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep? None of the above

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens? Stevens

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old." 19 (Chef from South Park had the right idea.)

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld? world

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school? spaz

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman? Never read Krugman, I will find something today and read it.

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role? Ernie, definitely
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Snow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 03:35 PM
Response to Original message
40. Okay, cool, I can do this....
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?
> Firing squad. Ooops, not on there, eh. Well, then, the needle. Sigh.

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?
> A friend of a friend invented post-it notes - only he didn't - he was trying to come up with a new glue type, and he got this damn stuff that wouldn't hold. He didn't realize what he had. Just as well, because he was working for 3-m at the time, & probably wouldn't have been able to keep much of it. Anyway, I vote for velcro.

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?
> My son't a bartender, so I'd leave at least 20% - and probably go for 15 bucks if it was really excellent.

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?
> I don't watch tv with any regularity at all.

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?
> Who?

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?
> Trader Joe's maple syrup.

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?
> You know, super-smart kids are usually pertty social, too - that's an incorrect stereotype. They do tend to be impatient with slower people, though. Anyway, I'd rather have the super-smart kid.

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?
> It's hardwood floor, with a rug that we bought from a grad student from Iran, years ago. He'd brought along a bunch when he came to school to sell ocassionally when he needed money.

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?
> Something long-necked and herbivorous - help keep our trees trimmed.

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?
Cat Stevens - he writes better ongs, too.

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."
> They shouldn't be children when they're having sex.

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?
> Do you prefer Florida or California? CALIFORNIA!!!!!

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?
> I really don't remember - I was an outsider, and didn't really get those sorts of things

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?
> I don't get to read Krugman nearly as much as I get to read Will - I think we're doing an apples & oranges thing here, because what I read of Will is here on the board, whereas Krugman's stuff is his polished published columns - real style difference because of the audience. Besides, Krugman's an economist whereas Will's, ummmmmm.....

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?
> Ernie - no question about it....

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SiobhanClancy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 03:37 PM
Response to Original message
41. Oh my....
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?

I would really prefer to be beheaded on a velvet-draped scaffold by a French swordsman in an atmosphere of high drama. Of the listed choices,lethal injection.

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?

Velcro...anyone who's ever been the mother of a toddler knows this.

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?

$12-15 dollars...possibly even $20

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?


5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?

I don't know!

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?

Pure maple syrup,brand negotiable

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?

Average intelligence but very social probably leads to a happier existence. This is not,of course,the type of child that I actually have.

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?


9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?


10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?

James Taylor

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."


12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?

I guess Disney World,haven't been to the other one and don't really like the whole concept.

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?


14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?

Will Pitt,of course

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role

Oscar the Grouch

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Cheswick2.0 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 03:44 PM
Response to Original message
42. ahem
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?
post it notes

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?
12 bucks

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?
These are my only choices?

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?
Real Vermont Maple, any brand

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?
Average/very social

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?
a really little one

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least 30 years old."

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?
Never been to either :shrug:

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?
Spaghetti legs

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?
yeah right!

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role? The tall one
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scottcsmith Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 03:48 PM
Response to Original message
43. I'm a sucker for this sort of thing
Mainly because I'm bored.

1) Lethal injection.
2) Velcro. When I think of post-it notes I think of corporate America and the cubicle culture. Ugh.
3) Excellent service gets 20%, so $10.00.
4) TBN and Pax.
5) I don't know, I haven't paid much attention to the mouths of Gina or LL.
6) I hate pancakes, but if I have to eat one, I'll put on peanut butter and regular ole' maple.
7) I'd rather have a child with good common sense.
8) I call it "grey" but I'm sure there's an actual name for the color.
9) A small one that I could put in my fish tank.
10) Barry Manilow.
11) 21 would be ideal, but 18 as a minimum. You've got to get 'em educated first and then have the babies.
12) Disneyworld has more stuff to do but man is Orlando HUMID.
13) No one called me anything. I was ignored...wah.
14) Can't say, never read either writer.
15) Bert.
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JohnKleeb Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 03:51 PM
Response to Original message
44. ok
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?
lethel injection
2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?
post it notes
3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?
50% likely, my daddy was a waiter :)
4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?
History Channel International
5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?
6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?
I eat waffles
7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?
smart, shy kid I can identify I guess
8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?
its wood floor I think
9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?
Name me some dinos :shrug:

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?
11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ready and got protection________ years old."

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?
13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?
I got nerd a couple of times, umm loser, nothing much
14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?
15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?
Bert I would think, like isnt he like a total dickwad. Ernie is too nice lol.
You got a crazy mind but youre a cool dude Rat.

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Breezy du Nord Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 09:46 PM
Response to Reply #44
54. You "think" there's wooden floor in your living room?
What, are you the neighbor? :P

And, by the way, when should children have sex?
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JohnKleeb Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 10:17 PM
Response to Reply #54
58. hey I had a tonic today
:hi: breezy
when should children start? 14.
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theorist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 03:52 PM
Response to Original message
45. Answers
1. Gas Chamber (I can look the crowd in the eyes...)
2. Velcro
3. $10
4. I don't have cable. (used to be FCN, though.)
5. who?
6. local generic 100% maple syrup
7. super-smart and anti-social; the social kids are bad influences
8. beige
9. T-Rex; I couldn't go into my backyard ever again, though...
10. James Taylor
11. 16
12. LAND
13. pussy
14. Will Pitt
15. Burt
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LeftPeopleFinishFirst Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 07:50 PM
Response to Original message
46. i can handle these
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?
Gas chamber

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?
post its

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?
I don't leave tips! my parents do ;)

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?
Seriously? I don't watch too much TV

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?
LL Cool J

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?
Real maple syrup from Rathbun's maple sugaring place. ah upstate NY

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?
Neither. I don't want the kid to be too social but this is not a good question dammit! :D

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?
light brown (we're getting hardwood soon)

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?
a baby triceratops, they're adorable!

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?
They are both GREAT you can't make me choose- OK JT.

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."
16, but everyone's different. "Children" shouldn't be having sex, because if they're still considered children they aren't really mature enough yet.

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?
Disney world but i've never been to disneyland!

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?
Beast. Yes a girl seriously called me that last year and she also told me I was fat, which clearly tells me she's delusional!

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?
never read krugman, so pitt

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?
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baldguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 08:52 PM
Response to Original message
47. Answers
1. In my fantasy world, I live in an enlightened, moral society where the state doesn’t execute people.

2. Post-its are just slips of paper with not-very-sticky stuff on the back. The CIA got Velcro from them space aliens what crashed at Roswell.

3. $50? That's just for the bar bill, right?

4. The History Channel, when they have such accurate documentaries like "The Search for Noah's Ark" and "Who Killed Jesus?"

5. Gina. I'm a guy, what can say?

6. A friend has a stand of maple trees – about 5 acres - and he gives me a quart of his syrup every year.

7. Average smarts & gregarious.

8. Ugh, Pink.

9. I'm not sure. Something small that won't eat the children.

10. James Taylor

11. 16

12. Never been. Don't know

13. flerk

14. Will Pitt.

15. Ernie. It's always the quite one.
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Blade Donating Member (624 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 08:56 PM
Response to Original message
48. ok...
1. injection
2. definitely the velcro dude
3. $3.25
4. MTV
5. dont' know
6. Hungry Man
7. The latter of the two children
8. Some ugly brown-orange color shit
9. I'd keep a T-Rex
10. neither
11. 14
12. Neither - Six Flags
13. Gherkin (I dunno, don't ask)
14. Who are those two dudes? (jk)
15. Definitely Ernie.
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hyphenate Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 09:20 PM
Response to Original message
49. My Answers
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?

Lethal injection, I guess.

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?

I think they're both great, but Velcro is more important in the long run, and doesn't clutter up your desk like post-it notes.

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?

I would leave somewhere between 15% and 20%.

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?

I don't think any of my channels are secretly guilty.

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?

Don't know.

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?

Usually pure maple syrup. I don't care for anything with corn syrup in it.

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?

I agree with who ever posted that the child should be happy, first. I think I'd rather they be better socialized--it's easier on the child in the long run.

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?

Hardwood floor. Wish it were carpet, though.

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?

A brachiasaurus--the gentle giant.

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?

James Taylor is great, but Cat is good, too.

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."

It depends on the kid. But I would say at least 16.

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?

Never been to Disneyworld, but have been to Disneyland many times. I love it, but it's a workout.

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?

I don't recall if there were ever real insults. "Dreamer" perhaps, but that's not really insulting.

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?

Both are excellent writers.

As far as bad writers, I wouldn't hesitate to mention Ann Coulter. :blech

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?

Depends on which Bert and Ernie. If you're talking about the guys from "It's a Wonderful Life," I'd say the cop (Bert) would be dominant. If you're talking about the Muppets, probably Bert again.
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MrSlayer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 09:23 PM
Response to Original message
50. Answers
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?

The Chair. Ride the Lightning!

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?

Velcro, more applications though the Post-it guy was clever as well.

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?


4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?

None, not much of a TV guy except for sports.

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?

Don't know who the chick is but I'm picking her.

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?

Log Cabin, is there any other?

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?

Super smart.

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?


9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?


10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?

I think they both suck.

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."

18 is fine.

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?

Disney World by a mile.

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?

None really.

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?

Not familiar with their work.

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?

Bert definitely.
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elperromagico Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 09:33 PM
Response to Original message
51. Yarrrrrrllll!
Edited on Thu Dec-11-03 09:34 PM by elperromagico
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber?

The chair. I need a tan.

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro?

The man who invented Velcro.

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50?

$10. I'm an idiot.

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about?

Nick at Nite.

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon?

Gina Gershon, though LL's aren't bad.

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes?

Mrs. Butterworth.

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?

That's like asking, "Which President was better... Nixon or Bush 43?"

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?

No carpet. Wood floor. The wood is brown.

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep?


10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?

Cat Stevens.

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least ________ years old."


12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?

I hate them both.

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?

That's a highly assumptive question.

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?

No comment.

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role?

Bert, of course. He has the bigger penis.
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Breezy du Nord Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 09:43 PM
Response to Original message
52. Here goes...
1. Well, I don't like needles, but the gas chamber sounds worse, so I'll lethal injections.

2. Velcro. Definitely. That stuff saved my life when I sucked at tying shoes in kindergarten. :)

3. Don't know. $5? I've never had to pay $50 at a restaurant.

4. Comedy Central. I used to watch it only for the Daily Show but now I watch it a lot.

5. LL Cool James.

6. Hungry Jack. I love it cuz on the bottle because it "Tells you when its hot." As if I can't tell if something's hot or not!

7. Well, the averge-intelligence one would have it easier in life. :shrug: That's why I haven't thought about having kids yet.

8. Brown. Really ugly too.

9. A cute one? Like those little ones who squeal.

10. I like... Cat Stevens.

11. 16? :shrug: Hell, what do I care?

12. I've only been to disneyworld.

13. "Hey, are you that girl who can only see in one eye?" :mad: drives me CRAZY.

14. To be honest, haven't read either.

15. Bert. Definitely. The controlling type.
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5thGenDemocrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 09:45 PM
Response to Original message
53. 15 answers
1. I'd want a firing squad. Gary Gilmour and Eddie Slovak got firing squads -- I want a firing squad, dammit.
2. I'll go with velcro. But it's close.
3. $7.50 to $10 -- 15 to 20 percent.
4. Don't have cable. But I like Nickelodeon.
5. Gina Gershon. I like Geena Davis better, though.
6. Currently, Valu-Time (cut-rate -- this NEVER happened under Clinton, by gar).
7. Average, but social. My mom was a member of MENSA, and look how I turned out.
8. My house has 125 year old white oak floors and, with nine cats, I'd never carpet them.
9. Barney, I guess. But he'd have a muzzle.
10. Cat Stevens. I wasn't a huge fan of either of them.
11. Sixteen. Unless we're discussing my daughters, in which case Never.
12. Gotta go with Disney World -- I've never been to Disneyland. Cedar Point is better than either.
13. Burpst or Twerpst. Later, Herpeez.
14. N/A. I've already stroked Pitt's ego once this week.
15. Bert, probably. I thought it was a given that they were gay lovers.
How'd I do?
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guitar man Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-11-03 09:46 PM
Response to Original message
55. my answers
1. If you were going to be executed by the state, what method of execution would you prefer - the chair, lethal injection or the gas chamber? Gas Chamber-my wife says I could probably survive it after living with myself all these years

2. Who was a smarter man, the guy who invented Post-It notes or the guy who invented velcro? Velcro

3. How much of a tip do you leave if you received excellent service and your bill was $50? $10.00

4. What cable channel do you secretly watch that you hope nobody else finds out about? Lifetime

5. Who has a sexier mouth - LL Cool J or Gina Gershon? Gina

6. What brand of syrup do you put on your pancakes? Mrs. Butterworth

7. What would you rather have - a child who is super-smart, but anti-social or a child who is of average intelligence but is very social?
Super smart-anti-social

8. What color is the carpeting in your living room?

9. If you could keep a dinosaur as a pet, what type of dinosaur would you keep? T-Rex,as long as I have a steady supply of neo-cons to feed him.

10. Who had a better singing voice - James Taylor or Cat Stevens?
James Taylor

11. Complete this sentence: "Children should not have sex until they are at least __18______ years old." Children should not have sex

12. Better theme park - Disneyland or Disneyworld?
Disney World

13. What insulting name did kids used to call you in school?
"Stick Boy"

14. Who's a better writer, Will Pitt or Paul Krugman?
Hell,I don't know

15. If Bert & Ernie were gay lovers, which one do you think plays the dominant male role? Bert
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OldSoldier Donating Member (982 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-12-03 10:07 AM
Response to Original message
59. Fifteen random answers
1. The chair. Much quicker.

2. The guy who invented Post-It Notes. He had to imagine this; the Velcro guy saw brambles on his socks and came up with an artificial version.

3. $12.50.

4. Cartoon Network

5. Gina Gershon

6. Mrs. Butterworth's.

7. The social one.

8. We have an oak floor in the living room.

9. Something little.

10. James Taylor

11. 16

12. Disney World

13. Motor Eater

14. Will Pitt

15. Bert
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