ok, it's official, i hate my face.
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Thu Dec-11-03 11:59 AM
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ok, it's official, i hate my face. |
I shaved off my goatee after having it 4+ years for a job interview. i can't grow it back soon enough!! 4 years ago i weighed 40 pounds less, while i'm on my way back to my previous weight, i really don't like looking at my chubby cheeks since it reminds me of how far i have to go to get my face back..
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Thu Dec-11-03 12:03 PM
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1. I've had my goatee since 1989. |
I can't imagine what I'd look like if I shaved it off.
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Thu Dec-11-03 12:04 PM
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2. I frequently shave off my goatee |
It'll look very odd and unnatural for the first week, then you get used to it.
Ellen Forradalom
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Thu Dec-11-03 12:05 PM
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3. My husband's shaved off his goatee |
once since I've known him (eight years). He looked like the fifth member of Kraftwerk. I much prefer him with the chin pubes.
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Thu Dec-11-03 12:18 PM
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4. The people that care about you like everything about your face |
whether it's a little chubby right now or not because it's you and it's uniquely you. As for what anybody else thinks, fuck em. People don't realize that it's the variety in faces and unique features and expressions that makes them interesting. Why should everybody look alike?
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Thu Dec-11-03 02:15 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
6. it makes me look much younger.. |
Since i'm changing career fields, I need all the help i can get to not look like i'm older than the average person. plus it's just more businesslike in general to be clean shaven.
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Thu Dec-11-03 12:28 PM
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5. I shaved my goatee off when I lost 70lbs. |
It really did break up the round face I had. Now, I'm thinking about growing it in again for grins. But those white whiskers! :o
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Thu Dec-11-03 03:17 PM
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7. I shaved mine off several months ago and haven't even been tempted |
to grow it back. Before I shaved, I was worried that people would notice my fat face but after shaving and seeing myself I decided that the goatee wasn't really hiding anything. I actually have grown to like my face- clean shaven and smooth. In spite of the fat I do look younger. Now if I can just shed a few pounds...
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Thu Dec-11-03 03:19 PM
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8. Show us before and after photos. |
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Thu Dec-11-03 08:06 PM
Response to Reply #8 |
9. don't really have any handy.. |
i'll work on it. my digital camera blows.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:48 AM
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