Just for fun: The Blog Buzzword Drinking Game.
You know how to play. Take the required number of drinks every time you see the following on a blog. The more unreadably smarmy and the more buzzword-laden the blog is that you are reading, the drunker you will get.
"Blogosphere" - take 1 drink
"Interesting" - take 1 drink
"Stay tuned" - take 1 drink
"Update" - take 1 drink
"Islamofascism" - finish your drink
"Another update" - take 2 drinks
"South Park Republicans" - take 4 drinks and repeat after me: Alcohol is bad, umkay?
"Indeed" - take 1 drink
"Read the whole thing" - drink the whole thing
"Nanotechnology" - take 3 drinks
"I agree" - take 1 drink
Any instance of France-bashing - take 1 drink of French wine
Any instance of Venezuela-bashing - get your drunken butt in your car and drive to the nearest Citgo station to filler up. Try not to get a DUI in the process.
"Sheesh" - take 1 drink
Any instance of capitalization for effect ("Bad Thing"; "Important Lessons") - take 3 drinks
"As I suspected" - take 1 drink
"Related observations" - take 2 drinks
"Fisked" or "Fisking" - take 3 drinks
"Meme" - take 3 drinks
"Which begs the question..." - finish your drink
"Yes, it is" - take 1 drink
"What he said" - take 2 drinks
"Snarky" - take 3 drinks
"I told you so" - take 2 drinks
Any instance of "Googling" as a verb - finish your drink
Any instance of praise for the Bush regime - puke
Any fawning over nanotechnology, fawning over how blogs are going to replace print media, or any mention of Tech Central Station - puke