Here's a great question and thought-provoking answer:
erlinda, from jourdanton writes:
What kind of job do you think your husband is doing as President of the United States?
Mrs. Bush
You've asked me an easy question for me to answer. I think my husband is doing a great job as President of the United States. I admire his steadiness and strength as our country faces the many challenges before us. I'm proud of my husband.
Here's another deep one. I wish I had been so freepy to ask it.
Tuan, from Atlanta, GA writes:
What is your philosophy to get you and your family through tough time?
Mrs. Bush
I have found that love and emotional support that comes from close family members and friends helps us weather the tough times. But also the idea that "this too shall pass" and that there will be times of happiness on the other side of the tough times sustains me.
...snip...">Typos abound....How many grammatical/spelling mistakes can you find?