for the love of pete get rid of the burning flag
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Thu Dec-11-03 09:24 PM
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for the love of pete get rid of the burning flag |
I just gave the link to some fellow democrats who instantly turned it down cuz of the flag thinking, were some uber extremist leftist site.. pleeease change
theyre teasing me now :(
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Thu Dec-11-03 09:26 PM
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Thu Dec-11-03 09:27 PM
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Edited on Thu Dec-11-03 09:29 PM by Wonk
T Roosevelt
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Thu Dec-11-03 09:27 PM
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3. Tell them to read the article |
flag burning is a ritual of retirement for old flags. Explain that to them.
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Thu Dec-11-03 09:36 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
9. Tell that to one of my neighbors down the street. |
His flag got raggedy and so a couple of weeks ago he put it out in the trash. :mad:
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Thu Dec-11-03 09:31 PM
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4. Why didn't you tell them to read the article? |
If they had, they'd have known that the picture was of flags being retired. WHY DON'T YOU EDUCATE THEM?!?!?!
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Thu Dec-11-03 09:34 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
5. we're young, we don't read |
Edited on Thu Dec-11-03 09:34 PM by Kamika
We see something and immediately make up our opinion about it :p
man I hope the next article doesnt have a picture of Lenin or anythin
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Thu Dec-11-03 09:35 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
7. That might be the most ignorant thing I've read on this site. |
That is saying A LOT these days...
Zomby Woof
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Thu Dec-11-03 09:36 PM
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He was my favorite Beatle! :D
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Thu Dec-11-03 09:44 PM
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11. Thank God they turned the link down |
We don't need anymore people here who make up their opinions without knowing the facts.
Deja Q
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Thu Dec-11-03 09:34 PM
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6. I was shocked at the pic as well... |
I support flag burning too! (free speech, as long as they don't burn up a village or forest in the process.)
I did read the text underneath to see what their point was.
But I'm an intellectual, I'm supposed to do that sort of thing.
Not all do. Some would get offended and go elsewhere without reading or learning.
I agree with you utterly about getting that pic changed ASAP.
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Thu Dec-11-03 09:36 PM
Response to Reply #6 |
8. Oh, well for crying out loud, let's dumb the site down further. |
Criminy! I need to log off...
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Thu Dec-11-03 09:45 PM
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12. NO, I am sick of pandering to the uneducated |
Educate your friends or get new friends. Don't expect everyone to join the ranks of the dumbunnies because you and your friends are holding a convention.
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Thu Dec-11-03 09:54 PM
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:21 AM
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