Move over Dr. Strangelove and Manchurian candidate for “7 days in May” takes the cake.<snip>
“The story takes place when the cold war is in full bloom and the president and congress have entered into a treaty with the Soviet Union in which each country has agreed to destroy its nuclear arsenal. The treaty is highly unpopular with the citizens of the United States and with the military. There is a strong belief that the Soviets will not honor the treaty and will eventually attack the defenseless United States. General Scott and members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff hatch a plot to overthrow the constitutionally elected government of the United States. This plot is discovered by Colonel Casey and he reports it to the president. The rest of the movie shows the attempts of the president and a small group of his advisors trying to stop the coup.
” I loved this movie a lot better than the before mentioned, it freaked me out. The General with his jingoistic rhetoric made me think of our current PNAC junta. The mass hysteria of fear that griped the public reminded me of today’s public. The president had peace, liberty and integrity at heart and integrated in his policies constantly reminding me of today’s Dennis Kucinich. They don’t make movies like this anymore, go rent it or check it out at the library!