Edited on Fri Dec-12-03 01:42 PM by DemoTex
Standard checklist practice requires pilots to read to each other procedures used every day ...and recite from memory those needed once every five years.
We had nearly 65 memory items on the MD-80 emergency checklist before changing over to the Quick Reference Handbook (QRH). Now there are only 14 memory items, and most of those are intuitively obvious. For example, the "Hot Start" memory item is "Fuel Control Lever ..... Off." Well, duh! Used to be about eight memory items depending on N-2 readings and that kind of thing. The "Excessive Cabin Altitude" emergency procedure has been pared down to two memory items: "1. Captain assumes PF duties, and; 2. O-2 Masks/Regulators ... Verify ... On/100%." The other 14 items, including the hi-dive gouge, are in the "Immediate Actions" section of the QRH, to be read aloud by the PNF when called for by the PF.