My ship just came in...
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Fri Dec-12-03 06:20 PM
Original message |
barbie ship that is...
there is a deal over at Amazon which included a free barbie cruise ship with orders over a certain dollar amount...and finally the darn ship isn't out of stock...
oh my little munchkin is going to be a happy mouse at christmas...
disclaimer...I know as a feminist I shouldn't like Barbie...but hey it appeals to the glitter loving child inside of me...
I love internet shopping..even with flu I can shop for christmas...
Democrats unite
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Fri Dec-12-03 06:23 PM
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1. My ship came in yesterday... |
Edited on Fri Dec-12-03 06:26 PM by Democrats unite
But I was at the airport.
on edit: this was meant as a joke and in no way meant to detract from your post. Good luck with it.
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Fri Dec-12-03 06:27 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
5. it was a good joke...reminds me of ole Rodney Dangerfield.. |
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Fri Dec-12-03 06:23 PM
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Good luck putting that thing together. Barbie stuff is horribly made. And yes, I bought Barbies for my kids. As teens, they are now both adamant feminists. I don't think I tainted them.
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Fri Dec-12-03 06:26 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
3. Your telling me...Velcro ruined Barbie clothes!!!! |
damn velcro ruins the fabrics...I remember the good ole days of buttons and snaps. In fact I make Barbie clothes for my kid..just like I used to make my own...I get cheap fabric scraps and voila...Barbie fashion parade!
I agree Barbie doesn't taint anyone... In make believe Barbie can be President of the US and she is a whole lot smarter than *!
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Fri Dec-12-03 06:26 PM
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got pregnant out of wedlock.
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Fri Dec-12-03 06:28 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
6. hey they have a pregnant doll Midge.... I kid you not.. |
I was almost tempted to order it !
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Fri Dec-12-03 06:38 PM
Response to Reply #6 |
7. does she have a wedding ring? |
Kids have great imaginations ..
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Fri Dec-12-03 06:42 PM
Response to Reply #7 |
9. technically her hands should be too swollen for a ring! hahahahaha |
....ah the fun of Barbie play..
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Fri Dec-12-03 06:42 PM
Response to Reply #6 |
8. Midge was always a tramp! |
Hope yer feeling better bleedingheart.
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Fri Dec-12-03 06:46 PM
Response to Reply #8 |
11. your right! Midge was always a tramp! |
Thanks for the well wishes...I am startimg to feel a bit better but still a bit feverish 100.5 versus the 102 yesterday...
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Fri Dec-12-03 06:43 PM
Response to Reply #6 |
Edited on Fri Dec-12-03 06:43 PM by bunnyj
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Fri Dec-12-03 06:46 PM
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12. GI Joe dolls and boys |
I have 1 son and would never buy a GI Joe doll for him.
When he was about 5, he picked out a doll at a garage sale. So, I said ok.
How did he mostly play with it - and a few of the other boys in the neighborhood??
It was a male baby doll. He dressed and undressed it and rocked it to sleep and put it to bed and covered it up.
I was stunned.
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Fri Dec-12-03 06:52 PM
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Fri Dec-12-03 06:56 PM
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14. What's wrong with Barbie? |
She's a doll. Dols are toys. Toy are supposed to allow kids to imagine and indulge fantasies.
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Fri Dec-12-03 06:59 PM
Response to Reply #14 |
15. I adore Barbie but I got some grief from a friend a few years ago |
about how Barbie instilled the wrong ideas in know the body image, women aren't objects, ..etc argument... but hey I am a former Barbie playing gal and I grew up to be a pretty liberal feminist bleedingheart democrat..
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Fri Dec-12-03 07:12 PM
Response to Reply #15 |
In other words, I believe you just said that adults tend to make their own choices.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
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Fri Dec-12-03 07:16 PM
Response to Reply #16 |
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Fri Dec-12-03 07:33 PM
Response to Original message |
i love barbie dolls -- they are so much fun!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:50 AM
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