Edited on Fri Dec-12-03 07:12 PM by The Lone Liberal
Merry Festivus! It is that time of year, for those of us who celebrate Festivus and I know you are like me and get that warm feeling when the Festivus Pole is placed in the living room. Not a tree, a pole. No decorations! Tinsel is very distracting. The pole is tall, silver, hollow, long, skinny, and heavy.
Then later in the evening when the family is gathered around the Festivus table we engage in the The Airing of Grievances! This is the part of the holiday where you tell your family and friends all the ways they have disappointed you during the year!
That of course is immediately followed by the The Feats of Strength This is the time during the celebration where the head of the family tests his strength against one lucky person. Festivus is not over until the head of the family is pinned! You are allowed to decline only if you have something to do instead.
I know each of you will be with your families during Festivus, so let me wish each and everyone of you Merry Festivus. Even though a lot of you have disappointed me during the last year! But, well get into that later!