Edited on Sat Dec-13-03 11:58 AM by Skinner
Sha Na Na and the Woodstock Generation By George Leonard '67 and Robert Leonard '70 (from COLUMBIA COLLEGE TODAY, Spring/Summer 1989, p. 28)
Editor's note: In 1969 the Columbia Kingsmen, a student singing group, insouciantly traded their jackets, ties and rah-rah spirit for an image with more flash. As Sha Na Na, outfitted in gold lame and Elvis Presley hairdos, they perfected a song and dance repertoire of classic Fifties rock'n'roll. Soon after their memorable "Grease Under the Stars" concert on Low Plaza they shot to stardom, playing at Woodstock, the Fillmores West and East, and many venues in between. Their success inspired the Broadway musical Grease, followed by the movie Grease (in which they appeared); the group eventually had its own television series. Two founders of Sha Na Na offer these reminiscences of the early days.
Columbia students in the 1960's grew up knowing that Columbia was a major force in popular culture: Ginsberg and Kerouac had led the Beats; Rodgers, Hart and Hammerstein were giants for the modern Broadway musical; Art Garfunkel (with his friend Paul Simon, an NYU student) pioneered American "folk rock." No miracle that Columbia--and only Columbia!-- was represented at the Woodstock Festival, in the movie Woodstock, and later, held the record for encores (four: the Kinks had to wait in the wings for an hour) at Fillmore West till it closed.
Sha Na Na was, in fact, the Columbia Kingsmen. Even after Woodstock, during its fame as a Fillmore headliner, when members dropped out we recruited new ones from Columbia--like Screaming Scott Simon or Jon "Bowzer" Bauman, the group's second leader, now a TV star and producer.
This year, 1989, is the twentieth anniversary of Woodstock and we found ourselves wanting to write not so much a history of Sha Na Na as something that would recapture that spring-- as Columbia recovered from the Revolution and was about to move into the Woodstock Generation. Events came thick and fast in the Sixties and Columbia was at the center of it all.