Bombay Sapphire, Tanqueray, Plymouth, Gordons, Beefeater will make some distinctively different martinis. You could go with different vermouths, too, but you only use a teeny weeny bit, and if you get Noilly Prat that's really the top vermouth, so how can you go wrong.
I see alot of folks are recommending vodka for the martinis, but I'm a purest and think martinis are strictly gin affairs. That being said, gin can make people FIGHT, so maybe vodka's not a bad alternative.
The other cool thing to do is to get a selection of fancy pants olives: stuffed with pimento, with jalapeno, with almonds, with garlic, etc. Also just get the big gigantic beauties that look like golf balls (dean and deluca would have 'em, sometimes fresh fields). You can serve cocktail onions but that changes the drink into a gibson instead of a martini. Some folks like twists of lemon, but purists say "If I wanted a G-D lemonade I'd have asked for one!"
That's what I did when I had a martini party when i turned 30, and since it was well before the craze (o lord, nearly 12 years ago!) I had a devil of a time finding 20 martini glasses for my guests! Now you can find 'em anywhere, and dirt cheap too, so you should be ok. As it was, only my dad and I drank martinis and I think we both passed out before the end of the party.
The martinis of course slosh out of those glasses pretty easily, so it is a bit of s sloppy affair if it's crowded. I went to a lecture and booksigning (also 12 years ago) for some fellow who wrote "The Art of the Martini" I think it is, and it was a crowded affair, so spillage was the norm.
Oh, if you happen to have a silver plated cocktail shaker, it makes the martinis extra extra cold. Seriously! It gets colder than yer average shaker, you will actually have tiny ice crystals in it and ice will form on the outside. It's really cool (pardon the pun), and is the way to go. Or if you have a bunch of cool cocktail shakers, put them out too.
Top it all off with some martini art, which you can buy very reasonably from fellow DU-er Melsky at her site www.eclecticmelsky.com. She makes NEAT martini paintings that, if displayed by your martini fixin's, will add to the charm.
Of course, mebbe you had in mind those fake martinis--sour apple, chocolate, etc.---in which case, yer on yer own!