I just love that FReeper thread where the silver-haired Bush grannies let themselves go. Today's thread had such great howlers I had to share them on DU:
+++Never trust a man whose bottom teeth are in front of his top teeth when he smiles, a sure sign of a time bomb looking for a place to explode. Howard Dean has issues and the Oval Office is no place for him to try and come to grips with them or for us to be the victim of.
+++As wonderful as they both (Laura and George) look every time we see them, no matter what they're wearing I have two questions: 1. Do they ever have a bad hair day? 2. How do they keep their hands (mostly) off each other in public, and do they do anything besides have "quality" time when they're alone?
+++Intensely, sexily quizzical? Quizzically, intensely, sexy? Sexily, quizzically intense? How DO his eyes change color like that???
+++Maybe it's because I was a waitress for so long, but Dean reminds me of a guy who flirts continuously with you, makes inappropriate remarks the entire time you are around him, and then pretends he doesn't know you when he brings his wife in for dinner! I saw a lot of Deans! He is a slime, and he gives me the creeps. Seriously!
+++I see Howard Dean as a man who isn't smooth enough to flirt with anyone but the cross dressing liberal he sees in the mirror every morning. Plus! I believe flirting with the opposite sex would violate his oathe to uphold the Metro-Sexual guidelines for acceptable behavior :-)