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I gave my notice at work, the sequel...

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RainDog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-13-03 02:32 PM
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I gave my notice at work, the sequel...
just an update for all who posted when I gave my notice and voiced my gripes about work.

soooo, my boss keeps asking me to continue to work for her. she has jokingly suggested that she lock me in the bldg (help!) so that I stay with her.

we're working on some ways for me to make money which will also make some money for her...we'll see... though I have said I am still interested in doing some buying for her...though I don't think I'm going to come in and arrange her store weekly, even though she asked...but who knows, I might...

but yesterday she told me that she's already told her kids that, in the event of her death, she wants them to come to me to ask me if I want to buy the biz. she said I am the only person she has ever had who worked for her who can do this, and because her biz is a sort of "institution" in my town, she does have a desire for it to was her dad's before it was her biz.

so that was a good thing.

she has also commented recently that she knows I would be more likely to stay if she would pay me "what I'm worth" --her words...but says she can't because she doesn't make enough...who knows.

THEN, she asked me if I was leaving because of the person I had complained about on this board. I said no. She mentioned that she couldn't fire the person at this time of the year, but that she was also unhappy with the person EVEN THOUGH SHE REHIRED THE PERSON, knowing what the person was like!

so now she's also been talking to me about employee problems as though she does not have the ability to solve them herself.... complaining about employee actions rather than dealing with them.

I don't say anything about this beyond trying to accurately note this person's good or bad points as far as their work goes.

However, this is so

Last week, by her suggestion, I did tell her a way to deal with a big employee problem, and she decided she would do something that she came up with...and then didn't do it.

Whatever the case, I'm not totally cutting my ties, nor am I screaming my frustrations because, obviously, she is unable to deal with them and to do so would only hurt the good things about my job thus far.

nevertheless, I feel justified, or validated, or whatever, in my take on the situation, and feel like I am putting myself in a better position overall to "live happily ever after" -- or at least with less frustration which I am not in a position to chance, even though I could if I were given the "license" to do so.

Actually, I could have that license to do so to a certain extent but there is no financial reward for that responsibility, nor would I be in a position to REALLY solve the problem by being given the power to hire people and treat them in such a way (with incentives, perks, etc.. which could be done w/ no actual loss to the biz) that things would run more smoothly and so that the biz could grow and reward those who make it happen.

c'est la vie.
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cliss Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-13-03 02:46 PM
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1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, RD.
It can be a really scary thing when we finally make the decision to give notice. It's doubly uncertain because right now the economy stinks, and there are so many people out of work. At my office, we have not had a single turnover in almost two years.

People are biting their nails and hanging on for dear life because they have debts to pay and mortgages. Of course, they don't know that about 5 of them will get axed anyway, right after Xmas.

In my opinion, people hang on to the "devil known" because of #1 money issues, #2 health benefits, #3 long-term on the job.

However, I still feel that when a work situation is intolerable, all the money in the world could not make me stay. This is after I've given it my best shot. Done everything possible. Then it's time to move on.

It sounds like you're there, RainDog. "One door closes, and another opens". Good luck!
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RainDog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-13-03 03:12 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. in my sitch
...I do not make enough money to survive, do not have health benefits, and have only worked at this place for less than two years...

so my situation is somewhat that I do like lots of things about the job, but it would only work for me if I were in a position to own the biz, ultimately.

I'm going back to school. that way I can have affordable insurance, take some classes to give me more job options, and also pursue some things I was doing before I took this job.

but I hear you about the job market.

I really feel for all the people in this country who have taken on debt in the belief that they would continue to have the same good economy that we seem to have come to think was a given.

luckily for me, I have no personal debt for anything, so I have some freedom from those concerns.

however, I still need to pay my basic bills, plus I have two kids.

leaving this job will, oddly, put me in a better position to be able to own it in the future, and put me in a better position to make money from the biz!

life is strange...
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nothingshocksmeanymore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-13-03 02:50 PM
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2. Keep that door open. She obviously respects you immensely
Edited on Sat Dec-13-03 02:50 PM by nothingshocksmeanymo
and sees her own weakness in the matter. Somehow it appears you have communicated this to her without invalidating her as a person, and for that you are to be commended.

I am a firm believer in keeping bridges in tact and in not going away mad.

Create a business plan for yourself that takes care of you and includes participation in her NEVER know what it will turn in to.
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RainDog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-13-03 03:22 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. thank you for the kind words
well, in truth, even though I can rant and rave here, and about politics in general, in real life I can be quite charming... :)


that has always been one of my strengths when working with be able to work out problems in such a way that the other person maintains his or her dignity.

that golden rule thing...

but, yeah, one of my new projects is to actually take a course in SBA and to use the resources of my prof, both biz experience and connections, to help me come closer to making that idea a reality.

funny, too, because of people who have talked about some of my ideas to others, and people who have contributed their own to the mix, I've had people approach me who are interested in the "biz plan" I've been percolating.

capital is the issue, of course. as it is for too many "creative capital" strong people...

I've been saving articles that have, by that wonder of synchronicity, been addressing many of the issues that I see as important selling points for my idea.

of course, if I weren't thinking about the idea, I wouldn't notice the articles, but that they validate my position is a good thing to make me think I'm on to something and in a place (if Bush doesn't continue his destruction of America) that is on the verge of being an ideal place to implement the plan.

vague, but I really don't want to be more specific, even tho what I want to do is not something every and anyone can requires people who bring specific talents, and those are not things you can simply "buy" -- although you can hire...
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