1. I hate kids skiing/sledding/boarding down my back yard. It's tons of fun and the best sledding hill in the hood, but it scares my ears off to watch them. I can't stop them, believe me I've tried. I'm going to get sued one of these days.
2. Suits with no pockets stink bad. Cheap stuff that costs a lot of money and no place to put your hands.
3. I hate people who say "My husband and I are pretty big fans of George Bush" and then can't tell me why. I don't actually hate them, but please oh please think about it a little bit.
4. I hate that I had Lasik and still need reading glasses in the morning, late at night, and in dim light. That in itself doesn't bother me, but when someone sees me put them on, they make a big deal about my wasting all that money. It's my money, my eyes, and yes, it was worth every penny. Cowards.
5. Man, I'm on a roll. I hate parents who think special exceptions should be made for their children, because the parents can't get it together. Well, guess what? If you continue to screw up and your child pays a (very very minor) price for it, maybe you will stop screwing up. Or maybe your child will look at you and say "Mom/Dad, quit screwing up!" I'm not letting an adult off the hook if they are making their kid's life a little more difficult through screwing-up-ness.
6. I hate that some people make stuff so much more complicated than it needs to be. Why mess around with dry ice, heating lamps, elaborately constructed boxes, all that sh*t, when measuring heat transfer? Wouldn't hot water in a jug work too? Dang science projects.
7. I hate shopping. If you are hungry enough, you can find food in the kitchen to fulfil your caloric needs. Quit bugging me about it.
8. And while we're on the subject, don't put one morsel of food into your mouth unless and until you have fed and watered the animal. I hate that too.
9. I hate that people comment on my weight. I am tempted to guess their weight like a carnival barker, "Step right up and win some crap!"
10. I hate that I don't have the nerve to just say all this each and every time my delicate sensibilites are offended. But then everyone wouldn't love me like they do.
11. Because I am a Spinal Tap kind of person. I hate my typos and grammar mistakes. I never see them until I show them to the world.