Yesterday morning I went to the local "warehouse" grocery store to do my normal shopping. I almost went crazy.
When I was waiting in line at the Deli, a guy in a Packer sweatshirt turned to me and asked if I had heard the big news. (I knew SH had been captured but I played dumb). He told me all the details about SH's capture and said "They should have just put a bullet in his head". I countered with "..things probably aren't going to change much. The Sunnis still hate the Shi'a and the Kurds still hate the rest of the Iraqis. Saddam doesn't have anything to do with that." He just mumbled something about Iraq being better off without Saddam.
Later, I ran in to an old client of mine who was joyfully eplaining to anybody who would listen that it was "A great day for America". When she went into detail about Saddam's capture, she took particular pleasure in describing how he was check for lice. I was one of athree people she was talking to and the other two were alternately obsessing on the lice and what a great day it was. I let them go on for a few minutes and then asked, "Did he have all those WMDs on him too?" There were blank stares all around. My clinet just said "Oh, you're just a big poo" and went off to spread the "good news" to others.
I'm still pretty depressed about it. Nobody appears to be paying attention. They seem to be reading the headlines but not the story. They seem to be buying whatever Bu$hco is selling without reading the label.