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Mondays 'IN' The UGRR - December 15, 2003

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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 10:24 AM
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Mondays 'IN' The UGRR - December 15, 2003
Mondays 'IN' The UGRR for December 15, 2003

Happy Holidays

Golden Brown Carolas

Hello everybody and welcome to Mondays 'IN' The Undergroundrailroad. So, how is everybody doing today? Are you hungry? How about some "Carolas"? Hugh? OK, let me just fill you in on our dessert being featured in the UGRR today. "Carolas" better known as crullers, is a specialty of Mrs. Abby Fisher, the first Black American woman to record her own recipes. Mrs. Fisher, a former slave from Mobile, AL, lived and worked in San Francisco as a cook and caterer in the late 1870's. Her famous Southern dishes were distinctly different and unique. She was urged to compile her recipes on note cards and her cookbook, What Mrs. Fisher Knows About Old Southern Cooking, was published in 1881. In Mrs. Fisher's thoughtful preface, she makes an apology!

" Not being able to read or write myself, and my husband also having been without the advantages of an education -- upon whom would devolve the writing of the book at my dictation -- caused me to doubt whether I would be able to present a work that would give perfect satisfaction. Mrs. Fisher also adds, the book will be found a complete instructor, so that a child can understand it and learn the art of cooking. "

One of Mrs. Fisher's specialties was the making of "carolas". "Have your fat boiling hot, but do not let it burn. Put carolas in hot fat, shake skillet gradually till brown." Ummmm, can't you just smell those hot carolas?! Want to make Carolas? Here's a link to Mrs. Fisher's recipe: (

For those of you who are new to Mondays 'IN' The UGRR, I will roll out the red carpet for you and introduce you to the rest of the UGRR "bunch". I keep the tempo here nice and slow. My motto is no spell check, no hard questions, no diets! Just plain, down to earth, fun on a Monday.

Happy Holidays from UGRR/Mina

Slavery and Christmas Celebrations

The Christmas holiday for slaves was a welcome break from the usual toil of their lives. In spite of the bondage of slavery, slaves were not property, they were people. They had their own feelings and wanting for a magical holiday, albeit temporary, even if it lasted for only a few days. The "days" of their Christmas was, of course, defined by their masters. Depending on the household, Christmas celebrations lasted anywhere from one day to ten days.

The cutting of the Yule Log signaled the end of the Christmas season for slaves in Virginia.  On the last day of the Christmas season, the men would find the greenest, toughest, and biggest tree that they could and cut it down and sink it into a swamp.  It would remain there until the following Christmas.  Then on Christmas day it was taken out of the swamp and brought into the master's home.  After singing and a ceremony, the log was placed in the fireplace and lit on fire.  The holiday season would last until the log was burned into two parts.  After the log was burned, the holiday season ended with a song and a ceremony.  

Another interesting Christmas custom was the "shucking" of corn. During the end of November and the beginning of December, large plantation owners sent invitations to the slaves of neighboring planters to come and shuck corn on a particular night.  At the event, one to two hundred slaves sang and shucked corn throughout the night.  A break was given and supper was served.  After about an hour the slaves went back to work and continued shucking corn into the early morning hours.

Frederick Douglas remembered the holiday as a time in which slaves could "do as they wished". While he recalled that many slaves did have the freedom to see their families, participate in sports activities, such as wrestling, boxing, running, and hunting, getting drunk was the most encouraged activity by slave owners.  According to Douglass, "those holidays were among the most effective means in the hands of slaveholders of keeping down the spirit of insurrection among slaves." ( The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, Written by Himself )  Douglass believed that by keeping slaves drunk, slave owners tried to prevent any plans for insurrection, since a sober and thoughtful slave was more dangerous.  Keep in mind that Frederick Douglas, born into slavery in 1817, developed a lifelong hatred of slavery. In time, he would become a fierce abolitionist and one of the most eloquent anti-slavery speakers of all time.

Booker T. Washington describes the coming of Christmas as an opportunity "to get a farther insight into the real life of the people." Booker T. Washington writes in his autobiography, Up From Slavery: An Autobiography," During this first Christmas vacation I went some distance from the town to visit the people on one of the large plantations. In their poverty and ignorance it was pathetic to see their attempts to get joy out of the season that in most parts of the country is so sacred and so dear to the heart. In one cabin I notice that all that the five children had to remind them of the coming of Christ was a single bunch of firecrackers, which they had divided among them. In another cabin, where there were at least a half-dozen persons, they had only ten cents' worth of ginger-cakes, which had been bought in the store the day before. In another family they had only a few pieces of sugarcane."

The Christmas holiday evoked many different feelings.  Some slaves were excited about the holiday, especially the children, while others looked forward to the break from work or the chance to reunite with family members.  However, one thing was certain, after the holiday was over slaves had to go back to work until the next Christmas.  

Poinsettias Legend -History & Botanical Fact

I just love the beautiful colors of Poinsettias and their ornamental value. Poinsettias are a traditional holiday symbol but they have a very colorful history. In addition to their ornamental value, the poinsettia has many uses, both symbolic and practical. Called cuetlaxochitl by the Aztec, meaning "mortal flower that perishes and withers like all that is pure", it represented purity and served as a reminder of blood sacrifices. The plant's red bracts were used to make a reddish-purple dye, or placed on a person's chest to stimulate circulation. They were crushed and applied to skin infections. The plant's latex was turned into a medicine to fight fevers. Today the Poinsettia has little medicinal applications. 

The poinsettia gets its name from an American who first introduced it to the United States. His name was Joel Robert Poinsett, the first U.S. ambassador to Mexico and founder of the Smithsonian Institute. In 1825, while visiting Taxco, Poinsett found the plant growing on the hillsides. He sent several back to his home in South Carolina. Although Poinsett served as Secretary of War for the United States, he also had a deep love for botany. Some plants were given to fellow nursery men. The Poinsettias you see today come from many years of breeding and engineering. In tropical gardens, poinsettias grow up to ten feet tall and can be used as hedging plants. But short, bushy cultivars have been developed for indoor decoration and the Christmas trade. While red is still the most popular color, intensive hybridization has resulted in some lovely new colors: cream, yellow, peach and pink. We can thank Joel Robert Poinsett, John Bartram of Philadelphia, Robert Buist, of Pennsylvania and the Paul Ecke family of Southern California for the beautiful Poinsettias we see today.

Do you have a Poinsettia problem and need a diagnostic key? Click on this link for help.

I think a colorful Poinsettia is a perfect gift selection. Poinsettias are very affordable. I purchased a tiny Poinsettia plant for my desk for only $2.99. I'm going to give several Poinsettias to family and friends. You can attach a tiny gift card with red ribbon or just use natural cord.

Here is my Poinsettia gift to you:

Happy Holidays!

The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder

Questions of the day

1. What is your favorite Holiday Song?

2. What made you select your DU name?

3. What is your favorite or "original" sandwich?

OK, I'm OUTTA. See you next Monday 'IN' The Undergroundrailroad

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Aristus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 10:34 AM
Response to Original message
1. Good Morning, Mina!
I'm sorry I've missed the last couple of weeks. I've got a job now, with about a 45 minute commute, so I have to leave much earlier in the day than I used to. I'm working in a great family practice office with a superb doctor, so I'm liking it. :-)

I've got to keep it short so I can get ready to go; first of all, thanks for the wonderful history lesson regading slaves and the holidays. I always wondered how people in bondage celebrated the birth of Christ. I also wonder what they thought of people who used the teachings of Jesus to justify slavery! Strange.


1.) O Holy Night. Sung by Fred Waring's group, The Pennsylvanians. Breathtaking.

2.) Long story. Simply put, I took Aristocles, which was Plato's real name, and 'Latinized' it, cuz I'm a huge fan of Ancient Rome. That gave me 'Aristus'.

3.) Favorite sandwich: Jif Extra Crunchy and raspberry jam on seven-grain bread. Yum!

Well, here's a big hug for my dear Mina. ((((((((((Mina)))))))))) :hug:

I've missed you. Take care!

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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 12:58 PM
Response to Reply #1
18. Hello Bob! I see your first today :-) But you are always #1
in my DU heart. :hug:

So, you've got a job and your working with a physician. I have always felt that the level of care that you receive on a one-to-one basis is much more important than the care you receive in an emergency setting. The patients can expect excellent health care with you being apart of the team. I could only *WISH* that I can have a Bob/Aristus, taking my vital signs and evaluating my medical situation. I'm sure your listen to your patients and allow them free flowing communication, something very important in health care. I am so happy that you found a practice in which you enjoy your work environment!

I'm glad you enjoyed the writing today Bob.

OK, on to the questions!

O Holy Night is such a beautiful song. I have not heard Fred Waring's group, The Pennsylvanians, version. I'm going to head over to (where one click is always "on") and purchase it.

Last Saturday, the Boston Pops had their annual Christmas show on A&E. I heard that beautiful song during the broadcast. I'm not sure if Vince Gill or his wife, Amy Grant, did the honors. But it was just beautiful. I had to close my eyes for a moment.

I have always wondered how you arrived at DU with such a beautiful name. Your love of ancient Rome and Plato. Wow! I sorta thought that was the basis of your name, but was not sure. It's really unique.

Your favorite sandwich is Jif (extra cruchy) and raspberry jam on heavenly 7 grain bread. WOW! Now, I might go and search for the fresh 7 grain bread and some raspberry jam! That really sounds very, VERY good.

Bob, I appreciate the time you took to post in the UGRR. I missed you too.


Mina :loveya: :hug: back to you
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GOPisEvil Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 10:36 AM
Response to Original message
2. The best thing about Mondays!!! Good morning Mina!
Edited on Mon Dec-15-03 10:37 AM by GOPisEvil
I always learn so much from your Monday threads! Carolas, huh? I never knew anything about them, other than they are delicious!

Very thought-provoking information on the Christmas "holiday", er, um, "celebrated(?)" by the slaves. To think those days were only 140 or so years ago...

Anyway, on to the questions...

1. Rudolph and Frosty, I guess. I'm not big into holiday songs.
2. What made me select GOPisEvil? I like telling the truth. :7
3. Not original, but when I want to splurge on a sandwich, I go with pastrami on rye with provolone cheese and good mustard. :9 (on edit - served warm!)
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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 01:44 PM
Response to Reply #2
19. Tell me more, tell me more, tell me more! Season's greetings GOPis EVIL
You know, you just payed me the greatest compliment. All I want is readers to walk away with just one thought in the entire column and that makes me so happy. You make me happy, golf cart and all ;-) :hug:

You know, that's something that many people don't realize. Slavery was not really that long ago. I lived Jim Crow and saw the "colored" only signs at the water fountains. I always sat in the back of the bus and was careful not to violate the curfew. This was in the south. My father's grandmother was a slave and I still have the oral history which I am in the process of donating to Harvard University along with photos. Many of my friends worked as sharecroppers with their parents. I suppose this defines who I am and why I work (and continue to do so) so hard towards diversity.

Slaves were people with feelings. They were like me. They were not the "property" of anyone. The children wanted Christmas toys like any other child and the older slaves enjoyed the holidays, but, in their own way. I think they were happy. Family was always number one. But keep in mind that some family members were 'sold" to other plantations. Can you imagine your child being "sold"? Your spouse being "sold"? Your parents being "sold". This I find to be the most cruel aspect of slavery and I would take the whip before I would sell my spouse, children and parents. Just like the making of "Carolas". Cooking was something the slaves were proud of and to be honest, I might just me some Carolas and drain them on brown paper (like my grandmother use to do with her friend chicken!).


Rudolph the red nosed rain deer had a very shiny nose, lalalalalalala, you can even see it glow! Love that song!
Whoa, gimme half of your warm pastrami on rye with provolone cheese and good mustard (greypoupon) YOU SNOB!

Hey have a great rest of your week GOPIE. Love you very much.

Love and peace,

Mina :loveya: :hug:
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ikojo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 10:41 AM
Response to Original message
3. Hey Mina! It's been awhile since I've been able
to post in the UGRR...they had a filter on the Internet at work but it appears to have been removed..

Thanks for the history of the Yule Log and how it relates to slavery. I would call this the first worker's rebellion in the US. Workers, in this case forced workers, wanted to maximize their time off and found a way to do it! Kudos to them!

OK to answer your questions..

1. My favorite holiday or Christmas song is the Little Drummer Boy. I am not Christian (I'm Jewish) but this song speaks while everyone else was bringing material gifts of value, this little boy gave the gift of music that came from within himself. What better thing can there be?

2. My DU name comes from a song the Grateful Dead cover in their concerts, Iko Iko. My middle name is Jo so I call myself Ikojo. I hope it clues some people on DU into the fact that I LOVE the Grateful Dead.

3. My favorite sandwich is a balona sandwich...I LOVE it! Yum, yum. It's among my comfort foods, after noodles of course.

Have a good week, Mina!
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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 02:15 PM
Response to Reply #3
20. Hi iKojo! Happy Monday to you! How are you?
I totally understand not being able to post at work. But I'm glad you are able to post now. Here's a welcome back :hug:

You know something, I think your right about the Yule log and it's connection to employee rights. The more I think about this, the more I agree. Using the life time of the yule log as a fair trade off for "time", just as important as money. I'm going to explore your thoughts a little more. I would like to research this a bit. Sounds like the basis of an interesting article. KUDOS to their memory! Kudos to you!

OK, questions.....

Your favorite holiday song is the Little Drummer Boy. I have to agree with you. The song transcends all religious beliefs. It's a universal song that tells a beautiful story. I have the Little Drummer Boy CD. It is truly a beautiful song and is really the only version (sung by the Harry Simeone Chorale) that I enjoy.

Your DU name comes from a combination of several things including a song performed by the Grateful Dead. I like the way you combined your middle name and the song. ALAS! We have our beloved ikojo!

Your favorite sandwich is baloney. A true comfort food and a favorite lunch box treat when I was a student. Do you remember that phrase, "salami, salami, BALONEY!" ? I use to say that when something did not meet my expectations, LOL! It turned out that I liked both salami and baloney as a young student. Great sandwich selection ikojo!

I bid you a wonderful rest of your week. Glad you can log on and hang with me in the UGRR on Mondays. Here's another :hug:

Love and peace,

Mina :loveya:
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MaineDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 10:50 AM
Response to Original message
4. Good morning, Mina
Oh you are trying to tempt me again with those Carolas! Man, I can just imagine how wonderful they would be fresh out of the fat. Yummm. But, no, I'll be good and avoid them completely!

Thank you so much for the very interesting insights into how those in slavery celebrated Christmas. Everything was so difficult for them and I assume Christmas was no different. I'm glad to see they were able to find some time for celebrations.

Now on to the questions du jour...

1) I actually have two favorties. For a religious song I just love "Silent Night". It's always made me cry and it's no different for me now. I love to sing "The Little Drummer Boy". It was a holiday standard back when I was in choruses and I can still sing the First Alto part along with the Harry Simeone Corale just as I did back in High School. :D

2) Well, as far as my DU anme goes, I wanted something gender-neutral but still portray where I live. Voila!

3) I would almost kill for a corned beef and swiss on rye from the Stage Deli in NYC. I made the mistake once of asking for that sandwich at the Second Ave Deli once and they wouldn't do meat and cheese together...I forgot about the kosher rules. But even without the cheese it's still my ultimate favorite sandwich.

Have a great pre-holiday week, Mina. It's great to have you back again. :yourock:
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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 03:07 PM
Response to Reply #4
21. Don't those Carolas look good! I can also imagine the hot Carolas, fresh
out of the fat and drained on brown paper (that's how the cookbook describes the last cooking phase). OH! I think you only live *once* and I might just dare myself to make those wonderful Carolas as a holiday treat for myself. This really would be a dare. I should also think "twice" and comply with Santa's wishes to stay on my boring ADA diet. Grrrrrrrr!

You are welcome and I'm glad you enjoyed the writing. I do agree with you. In spite of their hardships, I feel that Christmas was a time of joy and fun for them. I just loved the yule log celebration . I wonder if they found a way to keep that log burning for just one extra day ;-) I was really touched by the Christmas celebrations. I forgot to add that the women took this opportunity to make corn brooms and sew clothing for the New Year. In many ways they took control of their lives and created "freedom" for a brief period of time. The stories really inspire me and I'm so glad that you enjoyed them Maine Dem.

Now for the questions du jour:

You like two of my favorite holiday songs, Silent Night and The Little Drummer Boy. I also sang first alto in my school chorus. I love to harmonize along with my favorite songs. Again, the Harry Simmeone Corale, just "got" it right. I can repeat that song on my CD player and find something different each time I hear it. Silent Night, a beautiful song, evokes so many thoughts and feelings. Think, a silent night, where time stands still for a beautiful miracle. I think the song can be interpreted in many ways. Sleep in heavenly peace, those are beautiful words.

I love your DU name. I also love Maine. Why do I think Maine is synonymous with good food, positive conversation and Democrats ;-) That brings me to you!

The next time you visit NY, drop me a pm. We're going to have lunch (my treat)! Let me tell you something MD, the Second Avenue Deli one of my favorite restaurants. I just love their corned-beef sandwiches on rye bread with pickles (they have the best pickles to compliment their sandwiches!). During the summer I love to sit outside and just take in New York, a city that I truly love. We really have something in common here. I have also been to the Stage Deli as well.

MaineDem, have a wonderful rest of your week. Here is a :hug:


Mina :hug: :loveya:
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Brewman_Jax Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 10:52 AM
Response to Original message
5. G'day, Mina!
Always good to see you! :hi: I like the history lesson, I didn't know that about the lives of the slaves. Even they got a break at Christmas time.

Now for your answers:

1. Favorite songs--Oh Holy Night and Sleigh Ride.

2. How'd I pick my handle--Lurking, because I read much more than I post, and Argyle, for my favorite pattern.

3. Favorite sandwich--I like the veggie rolled in a large flour torilla.

Glad you're back--you must tell us of your vacation! Hope you had much fun. :hug:
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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 03:56 PM
Response to Reply #5
22. Hello , hello, hello Lurking Argyle! How are you :hug:

OK, tuck this in your Christmas stocking. These are argyle socks by Byford made with Merino wool. Nice comfy socks to keep you warm. :)

So, how are you doing! I see you've reached a DU milestone with 500+ posts. Congratulations Lurking ___Argyle (I just love saying that).

OK, let me check you out.

You like the beautiful Oh Holy Night and Sleigh Ride. Two beautiful songs that evoke powerful emotions and a happy one. Once, I went on a holiday sleigh ride with my first boyfriend. It was just magical! There was snow and it appeared to sparkle like glitter. I went with a group and we bundled up close to each other (the boyfriend tried to get slick on the sleigh ride;-) ) and afterwards we drank hot chocolate and sang Christmas songs.

I love this math. Lurking + Argyle patterns (your favorite and mines) = DU Name!

Veggies rolled in a large flour torilla. Yum! I like the vegetable subways on whole wheat rolls. Do you like that?

Have a great rest of your week and thanks for the welcome back.

Love ya!

Mina :loveya: :hug:
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Punkingal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 10:57 AM
Response to Original message
6. Good morning, beautiful Mina!
Edited on Mon Dec-15-03 11:14 AM by Punkingal
As always, an interesting read. I am always curious about what you will choose to gift us with, and I am never disappointed.

I have heard that poinsettas are poisonous to pets if they chew the leaves, so, alas, I cannot have real ones in my home. My cats love plants and flowers, so I know I can't trust them not to chew.

Thank you so much for the carola. That was exactly what I needed for my morning cup of tea.

With regard to your posts about slaves at Christmas, I will never forget my first college course, which was American history, taken off-campus, and on the mid-term, one of the essay questions was "describe the life of a slave in America." The way they were treated was so etched in my mind, I could not believe we had such an easy question. I was the only one to choose to answer that one. Let's all add one thing to our Christmas celebration this year...there are no slaves in America today!

My favorite Christmas song is "O Holy Night." But when I am feeling homesick and nostalgic for all those Christmases with loved ones who are no longer around, I like "Christmas in Dixie" by Alabama.

My user name is my husband's pet name for me.

I have 2 sandwiches that are tied for first place. A BLT, on toast, with mayo, and pastrami and swiss on wheat with mustard. It all depends on the mood.

Thank you, my friend, for a lovely start to the week.:loveya: :hug:
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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 05:22 PM
Response to Reply #6
27. Hello Sweetpatatapi :-) How are you today!
Thanks so much for the kind words Punkin. I really appreciate that.

I also want to take this opportunity to "thank you" for the terrific job you do in moderating DU and keeping our DU community safe. Your dedication to the job deserves a round of applause! Thank you Pukin, thanks for being a terrific moderator !

So you like those "Carolas". As Maine Dem just pointed out, she wants them deep fried in fat and *hot* and draining on the brown paper bag or newspaper (that was how it was done! ). I can just taste a hot carola with a cold glass of water to wash it down.

Here is a cup of tea for you Punkin (add cream, sugar and a shake of pukinpie spice :)

In regard to Black History taught in our public schools, we need to improve. When I went to college and was require to take the same courses you took (AH I and II) the issue of slavery, civil rights, and the role of African Americans in the US was hardly mentioned. It was only in my Sociology course was it mentioned. WHY? Because the Professor took an interest in me and my parents. I spent many afternoons in his office speaking into his tape recorder. He said he wanted to interview my Mother, but she refused. I don't know what he did with the information, but I thought it was important to document all the oral history possible. For a brief period of time I took an interest in Sociology and thought about a career in that direction. It was not meant to be.

That was an interesting essay that you had to write. Today, I wanted to focus on the positive aspect of their life. For at least 10 days (at the most) they were allowed to celebrate Christmas. I do resent the "master's" concept of "celebration" in wanting to get the slaves drunk. Again, even at Christmas, the slaves were being exploited with spirits. Well, I know one slave that didn't buy that bs. That would be Frederick Douglas.

OK! The questions of the day :)

O Holy Night, I just love that beautiful song. It does make you think of home and the traditions of Christmas. Christmas In Dixie . I have never heard of it? I'm going to (where one click is always ready and waiting) and purchase it. If you like it, I will too.

Your DU name is your husband's pet name for you! That is so sweet and a very nice term of endearment.

Your sandwich(s) is a BLT and pastrami and swiss on wheat with mustard. I love corned beef and pastrami on rye with mustard.

Punkin, thanks so much for dropping into the UGRR and spending time with me.

Have a great rest of your week. Here's another :hug:


Mina :hug: :loveya:
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blazinjason Donating Member (132 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 10:57 AM
Response to Original message
7. Mina I missed you so much last week! Hope your vacation was fun. BTW,
I love your holiday feel and the theme of your column today. The history that you write about is so interesting. You know something, I never thought, until today, what American slaves did during Christmas. I just love this about you Mina. You write about topics that are such a tribute to the slaves. All positive in spite of the negatives of slavery. I liked that custom of corn shucking, something I still do when we go to the farm and pick up bags and bags of fresh corn. I can almost picture the ritual, you describe it very well Mina.

Thanks for the hard work you put into Mondays IN the UGRR. It is one of a kind and I look forward to it every Monday.


1. My favorite Christmas song is The Little Drummer Boy .

2. My DU name is part of my real name, Jason. My friends always say that I'm "blazin". So there it is, "Blazin Jason"

3. My all time favorite sandwich is corned beef on rye w/ a dab of mustard. Yum!

Have a great week to my UGRR friends and, of course, to you Mina.

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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 05:57 PM
Response to Reply #7
28. Blazinjason, thanks so much for the warm welcome. Thanks for dropping in!
I am glad you enjoyed the writing in the UGRR today, and yes, I wanted to create a tribute to the memory of the slaves that served our country while in bondage, making special emphasis that the slaves were people, not property. Thanks for your kind words BJ.

OK, let me check out your responses to today's questions:

Your favorite song, and the most popular response in the UGRR, is The Little Drummer Boy. What a beautiful song during this holiday season.

Your DU name is hot Jason! Your blazin ;-)

Your favorite sandwich is corned beef on rye! Again, a very popular selection in the UGRR.

BJ, have a "blazin" week ahead and I look forward to seeing you next week.

Much love and peace,

Mina :loveya: :hug:

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BigMcLargehuge Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 11:01 AM
Response to Original message
8. Good morning and welcome back Mina!
Wonderful post today Mina, and thank your for the lovely Poinsettia! I will add it to our three or four spaced throughout the house! Both the plants that my Mom gave us (Christm,as 02 and 01) have remained both alive and in bloom since arriving at your happy home.

You article on Slaves and Christmas was very interesting. I’d forgotten that passage from Fredrick Douglas’book, and as I read it time slipped backwards to high school where we studied his writing in Local History. Fredrick Douglas lived for several years in New Bedford, MA following his escape from bondage. His understanding of the use of alcohol as a crowd control mechanism was very prescient, and scary. How do the powers that be control us now that alcohol is restricted, and overindulging is socially frowned upon? Why, through the media of course. It’s much easier to keep up interested in Survivor, or The Simple Life, professional wrestling, or Friends. The benefits are numerous, with no increase in cirrhoses, no social stigma, and an ever-increasing pool of supplicated masses the means of control are working.

I think I need a drink…

As for this weeks questions:

1. What is your favorite Holiday Song?

My favorite Holiday Song is “Fairytale of New York” by The Pogues. The song is both tragic and redemptive, sorrowful and exhuberant, and captured the full spectrum of non-denominational holiday emotion. It’s a duet with male lyrics in italics. Here are the lyrics:

It was christmas eve babe
In the drunk tank
An old man said to me, won’t see another one
And then he sang a song
The rare old mountain dew
I turned my face away
And dreamed about you

Got on a lucky one
Came in eighteen to one
I’ve got a feeling
This year’s for me and you
So happy christmas
I love you baby
I can see a better time
When all our dreams come true

They’ve got cars big as bars
They’ve got rivers of gold
But the wind goes right through you
It’s no place for the old
When you first took my hand
On a cold christmas eve
You promised me
Broadway was waiting for me

You were handsome
You were pretty
Queen of new york city
When the band finished playing
They howled out for more
Sinatra was swinging,
All the drunks they were singing
We kissed on a corner
Then danced through the night

(both male and female voices for the chorus)
The boys of the nypd choir
Were singing galway bay
And the bells were ringing out
For christmas day

You’re a bum
You’re a punk
You’re an old slut on junk
Lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed

You scumbag, you maggot
You cheap lousy faggot
Happy christmas your arse
I pray God it’s our last

I could have been someone
Well so could anyone
You took my dreams from me
When I first found you
I kept them with me babe
I put them with my own
Can’t make it all alone
I’ve built my dreams around you

2. What made you select your DU name?

Watched an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 featuring the horrifically awful South African science fiction epic “Space Mutiny” in which Mike and the Bots repeatedly give manly-man names to the main character played ineptly by Red Brown. One of those manly-man was “Big McLargehuge” and the first time I saw that episode I thought I would hemorrhage from laughter when they said it. Big McLargehuge is also my pen-name at where I write film reviews and essays.

3. What is your favorite or "original" sandwich?

Pretty much any sandwich I make is an original sandwich, since I generally make them, but in the spirit of the question, my absolute favorite lunchtime bread-squeezed goodness contains:

Two slices of sourdough bread
One can of sardines packed in oil
Two slices of pungent yellow onion
Healthy squirt of Sriracha hot sauce

This is what I call the “get away from me sandwich” because once consumed you can effectively nauseate people at 10 paces with a well formed burp.

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MaineDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 11:36 AM
Response to Reply #8
13. I love that song!
It's indeed haunting.

The boys of the NYPD choir
Were singing 'Galway Bay'
And the bells were ringing
Out for Christmas day
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BigMcLargehuge Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 11:38 AM
Response to Reply #13
14. made me teary-eyed just putting the lyrics down
hands down my favorite of all holiday songs. the only song that even approaches that for holiday listening for me is Father Christmas by The Kinks.
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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 06:47 PM
Response to Reply #14
32. I love the song, Father Christmas from the motion picture, SCROOGE
with Albert Finney. Just received the DVD via

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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 06:43 PM
Response to Reply #8
31. Thanks so much for the compliments. I'm glad you liked your Poinsettia!!
I must tell you, I always love your holiday posts, your thoughts, that you post in the UGRR on Mondays. Like myself, you always find a space for your mother and her contributions in your life. I understand. I also interject Mom. I admired your Mom during Halloween in the UGRR 2003. I will never forget the all night scary movies the two of you watched together. I want to think I'm that kind of Mother to my children. Your Mother even gifted your family with beautiful Poinsettia plants that are still going strong to this day (from 2001 and 2002). Give your Mom a :hug: for me BigMac. I really do admire her.

I also want to take this special opportunity to "thank you" for moderating DU and taking such good care of the GD Forum. All the moderators are terrific and I can't thank you enough.

Regarding the use of alcohol as a crowd control mechanism, I find this to be extremely demeaning. I am forever grateful to Frederick Douglas and the role he played both as a slave and as an abolitionist. Do you know of any tributes to him in New Bedford ? My mother, a former school teacher, read my article today and reminisced about his book. It was *not* required reading in my era of high school or college and that is an OUTRAGE! Both Pukingal and myself discussed this matter a couple of posts above yours. My mother was almost fired for even brining up the name Frederick Douglas. Yes, he was a very bad and evil man. So was Harriet Tubman and Booker T. Washington. The media made Dr. Martin Luther King out to be a very "bad" man and a "communist". It is all very complex and there are many dynamics at work with the assistance of the media.

Move over, and let's share that glass! (Sigh)

OK, on to the questions of the day:

Your favorite song is "Fairytale of New York". Thank you for sharing the lyrics which are very deep. I would love to hear the song.

I love how you arrived at coming up with your unique DU name! BUT, I am learning, for the first time, that you are a writer and you write reviews for! I will visit the site and look it over. I am not surprised that you write movie/book reviews. You are a very interesting person and I am captive to your writing contributions right here in the UGRR.

LOL, your sandwich is always original! But we must give this original sandwich a name. Hmmmm. Big Mac is taken. Why not a BigMacLargeHuge!

(Available only at DU!)

Two slices of sourdough bread
One can of sardines packed in oil
Two slices of pungent yellow onion
Healthy squirt of Sriracha hot sauce

Where do I buy the Sriracha hot sauce? I gotta give that sandwich a whirl!

Well, BigMac, it's been just great. Thanks for dropping in and hanging out today.

Much Love and peace (shout out to your Mother! :hi:),

Mina :loveya: :hug:
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jus_the_facts Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 11:18 AM
Response to Original message
9. Good Mornin' Mina...and a VERY Merry Christmas to you!!!
....I love those speckled poinsettias...they're all beautiful tho...and as always an awesome educational Monday in the UGRR! :loveya:

1. Please Come Home For Christmas has always been my favorite holiday song as my Dad always would sing along with it when it came on the radio so it always makes me think of him everytime I hear it!

2. Well bein' sick of all the LIES spewed by the media and bein' a stickler for the truth m'self....and when I first joined DU there was a concern that there would be a DRAGNET thrown out to catch the *evildoers* of dissent against our gov't...and I'm a Ma' I came up with....jus_the_facts as was always said on the OLD version of the show...never did watch the new one! :D

3. My homemade Muffelattas...take a loaf of Italian bread..cut it in half...brush the outside with Olive Oil...spread chopped Zatarains Olive Mix the kind with the pearl onions in it...on one side of the bread...on the other side spread Preago Mushroom Spg. sauce...then layer shredded Pizza cheese..with the 5 different blends o'cheese...with Ham and Pepperoni...put the stacked sandwich in a George Foreman grill and press untill the cheese melts and the outside of the bread is is AWESOME!! :9 :9 :9

Hope your week is a good one Mina...and everyone else here on DU too!!

:loveya: :hug: :loveya: :grouphug:

Peace'n'Love Always,

~Amber~ :*
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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 07:03 PM
Response to Reply #9
33. Awe thanks so much jus_the_facts and a very Merry Christmas to YOU :-)

I'm glad you liked the poinsettias. Aren't they just beautiful. I love the colors and they make me feel so good during the holidays. I am also glad you enjoyed the article on Slaves and Christmas. You know, we're all here together, sharing information. I love that the communication in the UGRR is so positive. Of course, I always love it when you drop in to say hello. Always brightens my day.

OK, let me check you out.

You like the song Please Come Home For Christmas. Another song I have not heard. BUT, I found the lyrics!

Please Come Home For Christmas Lyrics
Artist(Band):Aaron Neville

(Charles Brown/Gene Redd)

Bells will be ringing
The glad, glad news
Oh, what a Christmas
To have the blues
My baby's gone
I have no friends
To wish me greetings
Once again

Choirs will be singing
"Silent Night"
Christmas carols
By candlelight
Please come home for Christmas
Please come home for Christmas
If not for Christmas
Then by New Year's Night

Friends and relations
Send salutations
Sure as the stars shine above
It's Christmas time, my dear
The time of year
To be, with the one you love

Then won't you tell me
You'll never more roam
Christmas and New Year's
Will find you home
There'll be no more sorrow
No grief and pain
Then I'll be happy, happy
Once again

short interlude

No more sorrow
No grief and pain
But I'll be happy
Once again

I love your DU Name! Jus the facts you MEDIA WHORES!!!

You tell em!

Your sandwich, your special sandwich, is your homemade Muffelettas.

take a loaf of Italian bread..cut it in half...brush the outside with Olive Oil...spread chopped Zatarains Olive Mix the kind with the pearl onions in it...on one side of the bread...on the other side spread Preago Mushroom Spg. sauce...then layer shredded Pizza cheese..with the 5 different blends o'cheese...with Ham and Pepperoni...put the stacked sandwich in a George Foreman grill and press untill the cheese melts and the outside of the bread is crispy.

NOW, that sounds like a sandwich. You know, I have learned so many new and interesting sandwich recipes today. I'm adding your to the list of *must have* sandwiches!

WOW! Thanks for sharing your special sandwich today.

Well, Amber, I want to give you a :hug: and wish you a special week ahead!


Mina :grouphug: :loveya: :hug: :hi: :loveya:
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jus_the_facts Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 11:41 PM
Response to Reply #33
38. Pleaase Come Home For Christmas has been covered by sooo many people.....'s a classic...sure hope you get to hear it's melancholy and I love it so very much! Wanted to add another one that I've love as well...'Do They Know It's Christmas' done by Band Aid in the 80' too touches my heart and makes me cry when I hear it.

Peace to you Mina...and may your holidays be the BEST!! :hi: :pals:
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ScreamingMeemie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 11:20 AM
Response to Original message
10. Hip hip Hooray!!!! Mina's back!!!
I missed you so much last week!!!

I love Poinsettias. I just bought a little one for the table, and a bigger one for a plant stand in the living room. Sadly, my Christmas cactus isn't going to give us a bloom this year...sigh, but there is always next year.

1. My favorite Christmas song is "Ave Maria". It brings me to tears everytime, no matter who is singing it. My father says this is the song that convinced him to convert to Catholicism from Lutheranism to marry my Mom. ;) Religion aside, it is a beautiful tribute to motherhood in my opinion. A close second is "Silent Night" because it reminds me of my Grandmother, who absolutely adored that song.

2. My girlfriend's (PassingFair) children gave me the idea. One night we were out to dinner all together and goofing around. I ended up saying something like,"If you do that, Mrs Grumpy will be very Harper, instead of the other way around". And so, a username was born. Although it makes a few here misjudge my age by decades sometimes. ;)

3. My favorite sandwich, this week, is grilled onions,green and red peppers, mushrooms and alfalfa mixed with a sweet vidalia onion dressing on crusty white bread.

Thanks Mina, now I know my week is going to be just perfect...because you were in it!

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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 07:39 PM
Response to Reply #10
34. Awe Mrs. G. Thanks for the warm welcome back! How are you?
I see you love Poinsettias as much as I do. I purchased several small ones and the larger one for my living room. Let's keep our fingers crossed for the Christmas cactus next year! Cheers to the beautiful flowers! Cheers to US!

I want to take this opportunity to "thank you" for the excellent job you do moderating DU and keeping our community safe as do all the moderators. Once again, Thanks Mrs. G!

OK, on to the questions!

Your favorite song is "Ave Maria". Oh, that is such a beautiful, beautiful song. The song always brings tears to my eyes. It's a very sensitive song. I love it. I also love the beautiful Silent Night. Just *think* of a "silent" night, quiet and peaceful. Excellent choices Mrs. G.

What an interesting story about your user name! I love it! But you know, the name does not fit you at all. When I first saw your name, I thought about Snow White. I thought perhaps it was a spin from the Disney classic and your children were fans of the movie. Again, I would dare anyone to challenge me about the kind, gentle and caring person that you are. Mrs. Grumpy you are *NOT*, that's why I call you Mrs. G :)! But after hearing the way you arrived at the name (kidding with your girlfriend) I think I like it even more. But again, I know you, the person. So, Mrs. G to me ;-)

Your favorite sandwich is grilled onions,green and red peppers, mushrooms and alfalfa mixed with a sweet vidalia onion dressing on crusty white bread. Ummmm that sounds so good. Oh, you forgot something!

Have a great evening and rest of your week Mrs. G. Thanks for visiting me in the UGRR and sharing your time with me.


Mina :loveya: :hug: :hi:
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supernova Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 11:24 AM
Response to Original message
11. ((((Mina))))
Good Morning, Mina! :D

Thanks for the info on Carolas. Krispy Kreme makes a version of Kruellers but I'll bet not half as good as Mrs. Fisher's.

Mrs. Fisher also adds, the book will be found a complete instructor, so that a child can understand it and learn the art of cooking. "

Well, for not be educated she certainly understood the all-important principle of giving well-crafted instructions. Yay, for Mrs. Fisher! It really is irksome how many poorly written instructions I come across. Sorry, personal pet peeve of mine.

Thanks for the info on slave holidays. I have never known that, esp about the all-night shucking sessions. Lordy, I think momma and I shucked enough corn in our lives to build a small cobb house. :P LOL!

1. What is your favorite Holiday Song?

Sacred - O Holy Night It was one of my Dad's fav songs to sing. He had a beautiful tenor voice, though he never had a lesson in his life. I always think of him when I hear it. He referred to songs like OHN, and The Impossible Dream as "Lung Busters." He got a big kick out of singing them. Tee Hee!

Secular - The Nutcracker. The sheer childlike joy of Christmas. And I love it beyond all reason. I never, never tire of it. :D

2. What made you select your DU name?

My side obsession with astronomy. I love anything to do with it: articles, star charts, science fiction, Hubble telescope pictures, the space program, etc....

3. What is your favorite or "original" sandwich

Hmmmm. I love pastrami on rye. I guess that's a Rueben, isn't it. :9

Happy Holidays, Mina!

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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 10:52 PM
Response to Reply #11
36. (((HUG)))) Back to you! How are you Super-SUPERNOVA :-)
Oh, did you say "Krispy Kreme"? I just LOVE their donuts and kruellers! I also like their strong coffee in the AM (and sometimes in the PM). But back to Mrs. Fisher's book. Did you read her recipes complete with comments like "bring to the table"? I just adored her after my research for the article. What insight and sensitivity in the small, but important details Mrs. Fisher's book contained. I think she was concerned about African-Americans down the road. She was looking out for them. Not every black child was fortunate enough to have the assistance, tools, money and support that Mrs. Fisher had. Her book lives on! I agree with you, bravo to Mrs. Fisher.

My mother and I still shuck corn. But wasn't that an interesting story about the slaves and their all night ritual of shucking corn? It's a beautiful custom and a ritual that I'm sure they were proud to participate in during Christmas.

Thanks Supernova for your comments today.

OK, on to the questions!

So your Dad is a singer (a tenor!). Very nice. I just love The Nutcracker (the play and the music from it). It evokes beautiful childhood memories. My mother tooks us to see the play every year. Actually, one year I was in the play, The Nutcracker. It was a beautiful experience.

I think I told you why I love your DU name! But now I finally learn something about why *you* selected it! You like astronomy!! Every Christmas Eve, I go outside and just stare at the sky hoping that I can see a star (making a wish ;-) ). Maybe you can help me identify some special star structures like the "big dipper". Now that I'm a little older, my eyes are not what they used to be. Again, astronomy is a subject that has always fascinated me and I have always wanted to learn more about it. Supernova, that is a beautiful DU name.

Your favorite sandwich is my ohhh goody goody sandwich, the Rueben! Just LOVE them (yes, I can eat two ;-) -- I know, I'm bad -- forgive me Santa :hi: )

Supernova, it's been "super" having you here in the UGRR. Sorry about my late hour response.

I'm wishing on a star ! Have a wonderful holiday.


Mina :loveya: :hug: :yourock:
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GoGo1 Donating Member (203 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 11:29 AM
Response to Original message
12. Good Morning Mina and welcome back! Thanks for the Poinsettia Plant.
I love them and have several scattered around my home. Your edition of Mondays IN The UGRR is just BEAUTIFUL today. All the colors and your introduction about Slavery during Christmas. I read that twice. Vibrant descriptions and the quotes from Booker T. Washington and Frederick Douglas. Very nice Mina, very nice. In spite of their pain and suffering, the slaves still held on to customs that lent temporary joy into their lives. They held their heads high and were proud of who they were. They were making history and thanks for writing about that history Mina.

Thanks for the beautiful Poinsettia pictures and the RX link for Poinsettias.

Now to the questions!

1. I just can't get enough of Silent Night. A soft beautiful song.

2. GoGo is my childhood nickname. I liked to "go" a lot.

3. My special sandwich is turkey, swiss on whole wheat with mustard.

Have a safe and Happy Holiday to all in the Undergroundrailroad.

Mina, your the best.

GoGo1 :loveya:
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ZenLefty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 11:51 AM
Response to Original message
15. I like your motto.
My motto is no spell check, no hard questions, no diets!

:D :D :D

Mina, did you know that Jarome Iginla is the first black hockey player to become a captain of an NHL team? He's also the first black man to lead the league in goal scoring.

1. What is your favorite Holiday Song?

Henry Rollins did a version of "Night Before Christmas" that's very good.

2. What made you select your DU name?

That's the name MommaLefty gave me. I didn't know you could select your own name. :o

3. What is your favorite or "original" sandwich?

I make a killer grilled cheese sandwitch:

-Pugliese bread from Pasquinis bakery
-Mozzarela and sharp Provolone cheese, shredded
-Mix some italian seasonings in with the butter (this is the secret)
-Sometimes I put some pepperoni in it as well, or serve with a little pasta sauce.

Mama mia!
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realFedUp Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 11:54 AM
Response to Original message
16. Recipes and toons ohmy ohmy
Hey UGRR....just coming here for some love and devotion...
too many freepie threads out there today. hugs, rfu.
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AnnabelLee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 12:57 PM
Response to Original message
17. Hi, Mina

Favorite holiday song: I'm not much of a holiday person, but I s'pose if I had to pick one, it would be Jingle Bell Rock. When I was young, my parents used to play the same records around xmastime, mostly big-band type arrangements, & I'll always remember that song because of the voice of the woman who sang it, & the picture on the front of the album. It was a view of a xmas house party, seen through a window with many small panes in it, with frost in the corners. Everyone was smiling, holding martini-type glasses, etc. All of the women were dressed in that sort of Jackie Kennedy style, & I remember thinking, "I want to look like that when I grow up". At seven years old, I had some sort of hazy idea that this was the ultimate in adult sophistication, & I wanted to be a part of it.:D

I chose my DU name because I've always been a fan of Edgar Allan Poe.

I'm not much of a sandwich person, either...I once had a very delicious sandwich at a restaurant in Boulder Junction, WI that was listed on the menu as The Healthy Bear. It had several different kinds of vegetables in a tofu-based dressing on whole wheat bread, & was absolutely delicious. Unfortunately, the restaurant & accompanying hotel has since been bought by some mega-conglomerate for use as a corporate retreat, so no more Healthy Bears.:-(
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pmbryant Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 04:01 PM
Response to Original message
23. Thanks Mina
Edited on Mon Dec-15-03 04:07 PM by pmbryant
Thanks for all that information on slavery and the holidays. Your daily threads are always a learning experience for me.

1. What is your favorite Holiday Song?

2. What made you select your DU name?

3. What is your favorite or "original" sandwich?

(1) Of the modern ones, probably John Lennon's "Happy Christmas (War Is Over)". Of the traditional ones, probably "What Child is This (Greensleeves)". (EDIT: I also really like the "Carol of the Bells".)

(2) Lack of imagination? ;-)

(3) Favorite sandwich? I love sandwiches of many types, so this is difficult. Actually, I don't think I have a single favorite.

Have a great week, Mina, and all of DU.


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scarlet_owl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 04:10 PM
Response to Original message
24. Here are my answers to your questions:
1. "Oh Come All Ye Faithful"

2. Scarlet is a real live owl whooo lives at the nature center where I am a volunteer.

3. My favorite sandwich is a tofulatta or just plain old turkey.

Thanks for the poinsettia information. I think they are so gorgeous and now I know something new! I always love reading the Undergroundrailroad!
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UrbScotty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 04:21 PM
Response to Original message
25. Hi Mina!
1. Silent Night

2. Long story. BTW, I pronounce it "I hate the Gahp," with 'GOP' being a word instead of G.O.P.

3. Plain-old bologna and mayonnaise. Just like Mom used to make.
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proud patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 04:33 PM
Response to Original message
26. Happy Monday
1. What is your favorite Holiday Song?
Little Drummer Boy

2. What made you select your DU name?
Seemed like a good one, and I'm here because
I love my Country .

3. What is your favorite or "original" sandwich?
Not sure what original means but my favorite sandwich
Peanut Butter (crunchy Jiff)and Rassberry jam on wonder
bread with BBQ fritos or Dorritos ...YUMMY !
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ironflange Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 06:03 PM
Response to Original message
29. Hi Mina! Merry Xmas!
1. Favorite Xmas song: The Coventry Carol. I've sung some beautiful arrangements of it; always stirring.

2. My name: I get asked this a lot. I don't really remember where it came from, may have been an old National Lampoon. I saw it many many years ago, and it just plain appealed to me.

3. Sandwich: I love them all, as long as they're piled high and made with love. This may be my favorite, tho:

Best on the large slice type white bread.

From the top down:

banana, sliced about 1/4" thick
more honey
jam or jelly, whatever kind you like
peanut butter, whatever kind

Carefully cut into four triangles. Buono appetito.

I had a very cool sandwich site bookmarked, but my laptop had a major crash and now it's gone. Sorry!
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Kamika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 06:35 PM
Response to Original message
30. Great MJ boondocks
Edited on Mon Dec-15-03 06:35 PM by Kamika
Hope you had a nice vacation btw!

I dont have a favorite song.. if i HAVE to chose its white christmas..

My nick here is a mishmash of my real name and my surname. I've almost always used it when i've chatted on yahoo etc.

And my favorite sandwitch is a simple one.. ham, cheese and mustard :D

Alternatvely skip the mustard and drink some nice tea and feel the cheese melt in your mouth

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Lithos Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 10:34 PM
Response to Original message
35. Once again a great Mondays in the UGRR
I always love Mondays here!

Your answers...

1. Favorite Holiday song is a tossup between Winter Wonderland (Guy Lombardo and the Andrew Sister) and The Christmas Song (Nat King Cole). Silver Bells, White Christmas (Bing of course) and Jinglebell Rock are great songs as well.

2. Lithos has many meanings, all and none of which fit. I picked it mostly because it sounded good, but justified it for many reasons. Lithos of course means stone though the intent is not a Latinization of the Greek Petra as I am not religious. . It also is a play on words for (LI)nux (TH)e (O/S) of which I am supporter

3) Favorite sandwich? Almost anything on extremely hard, crusty bread. (Sometimes called Italian bone bread).

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rbnyc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 11:03 PM
Response to Original message
37. Now that it's almost Tuesday.

1. What is your favorite Holiday Song?

I'm not big on holiday songs. I really can't think of one.

2. What made you select your DU name?

I'd used it in other forums

3. What is your favorite or "original" sandwich?

Peanut Butter and Butter!

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