1. It was very very very loud - left only a third of the island above water and caused "red" sunsets across the planet for 3 years - apparently Edvard Munch was inspired by the unusual sunsets in his painting The Scream (a bit of a Krakatoa + Santorini junkie)
2. Plenty of Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Islamic etc institutions also helped out murderers for whatever reason - sometimes it's simply that no-one else will help - although the equally accurate answer would be that Le Vey lot are probably full of shit
3. Nope Hitler lived cos he was lucky - althought reminds me of the BIll Hicks piece "You know what I hate? Irony. John Lennon murdered, Ghandi murdered, Jesus murdered, Reagan wounded"
The Lion of Panshjir can be killed by a bomb but Hitler can't - another plank in my atheism
4. Knowing what I do about jealous violent partners OJ seemed to be a textbook example - I think he did it himself and like many many people who kill partners or ex partners he got away with it
5. Nope - Flanders would be with the Repubs all the way - just on the abortion, "morality" and gay marriage issue - but would also be LOVING the Faith Based Initiatives. He'd be one of those Repubs who actually believes all their moralistic crap (as opposed to those accustomed to the loud rattling from their closets) and falls for it.
6. Estelle & Frank Costanzo
Frank Doctor gave me a relaxation cassette. When my blood pressure gets too high, the man on the tape tells me to say, 'Serenity now!' George Are you supposed to yell it? Frank The man on the tape wasn't specific.
Frank Welcome, new comers. The tradition of Festivus begins with the airing of grievances. I got a lot of problems with you people! And now you're gonna hear about it! You, Kruger. My son tells me your company stinks!
7. Not so much disgusting but a demonstration how money/power/position are more reliable indicators of ones ability to get girls in the sack than looks or personality (and before I get flamed I am female)