I KNOW our leaders are not the most intelligent in the world, but this is absolutely rediculous!
'Karzai said the capture of Saddam would "definitely have a psychological impact on the whole network of terrorists and terrorism. And it will prove to them that they cannot hide and yet kill people.
"They will be found and terrorism stopped."' :wow:
If you can stomach it, the rest of the story is here:
http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/asiapcf/12/15/sprj.irq.saddam.karzai/index.htmlI simply cannot fathom how they can completely ignore reality and spout off such blatant lies to the American people. Terrorism will not end with bin Laden and Omar, just as it didn't begin with bin Laden and Omar. What infuriates me most is that this just fuels that highly annoying Americanism of thinking that we're superheroes. What Super Shrub and his Amazing Warmongers need is daily meetings with terrorism and political violence experts (of course with a Kindergarten teacher to translate the big and confusing words to Shrubby).
:grr: My rant for the day is done! :grr: