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Let's Have a War

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ACK Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 03:22 PM
Original message
Let's Have a War
Lyrics that hit me as ironic lately.

Let's Have A War

There's so many opposites,
So many opposites
So many, there's so many, there's so many

Let's have a war
So you can go and die!
Let's have a war!
We could all use the money!
Let's have a war!
We need the space!
Let's have a war!
Clean out this place!

It already started in the city!
Suburbia will be just as easy!

Let's have a war!
Jack up the Dow Jones!
Let's have a war!
It can start in New Jersey!
Let's have a war!
Blame it on the middle-class!
Let's have a war!
We're like rats in a cage!

It already started in the city!
Suburbia will be just as easy!

Let's have a war!
Sell the rights to the networks!
Let's have a war!
Let our wallets get fat like last time!
Let's have a war!
Give guns to the queers!
Let's have a war!
The enemy's within!

It already started in the city!
Suburbia will be just as easy!

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vi5 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 03:26 PM
Response to Original message
1. Ah....the immortal Lee Ving and Fear...
"I Don't Care About You" is my personal anthem and theme song.
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CanuckAmok Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 03:31 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Ving was "Mr. Body" in the movie version of "Clue"
I saw Fear perform in Toronto about ten years ago. I was so hyped about it, particularly after seeing the Fear footage in "...Decline...", but I have to say, it was not a great concert. They didn't seem into it, and there were too many nazis in the crowd.
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Renew Deal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 03:32 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. I saw Fear 2-3 years ago.
They played at the Continental in NYC. The first show was shut down early by the fire department. They were good shows. The beer was flowing. Lots of old punks there.
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ACK Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 03:53 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Old postpunker flying the flannel
Edited on Mon Dec-15-03 03:55 PM by ACK
I got into everything backwards ass.

I started with postpunk (husker du, replacement, Minutemen) and then old school back to the Ramones and the Clash and then someone gave me the Repo Man soundtrack on tape. OMG.

Still consider myself closer to Mike Watt than to Ving if you catch my meaning.

Still love the Repo Man Soundtrack, Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, Fear, Suicidal Tendencies and such.
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