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Saddam War Council Tapes Discovered! Proves He Was In Command.

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The Lone Liberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 06:33 PM
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Saddam War Council Tapes Discovered! Proves He Was In Command.
Edited on Mon Dec-15-03 06:57 PM by The Lone Liberal
Tapes were discovered in a farm house close by the Saddam’s bottom-of-the-hole quarters. Saddam it seems had his bottom-of-the-hole command center bugged.

Some of the tape is unintelligible and expletives have been deleted

Sound of what must be the trap door covering the hole being opened.

Saddam: Oh, so you guys finally have the time to show up!

several voices combine for unintelligible answer

Saddam: Well don’t stand up there all day! Get on down here in the bottom of the hole command center!

several minutes of unintelligible grunts and groans First Someone: That’s my hand you're standing on ----- Second Someone: Move over your elbow is in my groin! Third Someone: Ouch, Ouch, Ouch…. First Someone Again: Your Excellence maybe some of us should wait outside…… unintelligible scream my beard, my beard…..

Saddam: Shut up all of you. If you had dug the hole bigger it wouldn’t be this crowded….. unintelligible answer from all babble of voices

Saddam: Farikrami, get you butt up there and close the trap door. Were you born in a barn?

Farikrami: Oh yes, Honorable one!

Saddam: (mocking voice) Oh yes, Honorable one! Which one? You’re going to get your expletive deleted butt up there and close the trap door or you were born in a barn? Never mind just close the trap door.

Saddam: Okay, what we want to talk about today are three things. First, when to hell are you guys going to get me some clean shorts? Three expletive deleted months and I’m still wearing the same shorts. Next, I want to talk about the campaign. That is if Zhekhadi will move over so I can get the map case out from under his fat expletive deleted . ….. unintelligible grunts and moans from all babble of voices .

Saddam: Okay, okay here we are now help me spread the map…… Oh, expletive deleted who has been eating the bad Babaganouch?

Saddam: expletive deleted I told you guys about watching your diet when you attend these bottom-of-the-hole command meetings.

unintelligible loud explosive sound

Saddam: There he goes again, okay, okay, I want to see the hand of whoever is doing that, man you got my eyes watering…. Xrahcani is that you? You doin…. unintelligible even louder explosive sound

unintelligible scrambling sounds and trap door being thrown open Let me out, oh Allah let me out….. I cant breath, I cant breath……………..

The tape ends here….. More tapes from the Bottom-of-the-hole Command Center are being studied.

Pentagon says that tapes prove high level meetings were occurring in the bottom-of-the-hole command center.

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Zuni Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 06:39 PM
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1. ha ha
another good one. You guys are on a roll tonight
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greatauntoftriplets Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 06:51 PM
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2. Specifically which expletives were deleted?
Interesting what would have happened if someone had lit a match down there. Big bang!
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