trof is knackered. trof began his Christmas shopping today. 6 grueling hours. trof is an old man. Much older than this morning. Much too old for this. trof feels as old as Bob Dole, which is perhaps why trof has lapsed into this third person thing.
<blugga-blugga-blugga> There. Better now. Anyway...trof's shopping tips for tiny tots. Not tiny tots shopping. If YOU'RE shopping FOR them. <Jebus! Will he EVER get to it?> OK. Now... For toys, hit the Salvation Army, Goodwill, whatever charity stores you have. I found GREAT toys for soon-to-be-18 months-old Jack. Toys for like 10 cents on the dollar. Toys that either are, or look, brand new. Toys that with just a LITTLE clean-up will look brand new. Toddlers usually outgrow toys, or lose interest in them, in a few weeks or a month. We're talking very little (if any) wear and tear here.
Added benefits: Jack (and mommy and daddy) are coming for Christmas. They live 1500 miles away. They're flying down. Not much room in their luggage for Jack's toys. So, we'll have several ready for him to play with when he gets here. We'll wrap some for under the tree on Christmas morning. There won't be room for Jack to take most of them home. Jack has a house full of toys back home, anyway, and a short memory. The larger toys that he can't take with him, we'll just return to the store as a donation. Is this Rent-A-Toy, or what? I think I'm on to something here. (Patent pending)